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Youtube And Content Sponsorship Disclosure


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So I'm noticing a trend when it comes to Youtube content. Anyone correct me if I'm reading this wrong.

Popular Youtube channels for our hobby seem to receive product for the purpose of a 'reviews' without mentioning the fact that the product(s) were obtained at a discount, or for free.

Additionally, you can see companies such as Ecotech and WWC sponsoring content creators and providing product for content creation. Feels like a paid advert at the end of the day, but content creators are less than forthright about their inherent bias.

In the rare case that content creators do spend MSRP on reviewed products, you're most likely to get a verbal disclaimer, since an unbiased opinion is valuable.
Anyone else noticing this horsepocky?

Eyecandy: Courtesy of Travis at Upscales.


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This was just brought up today in another thread here on PNWMAS:

Daniel's ReeFi lights are an excellent product in my opinion after using them for 3 months now, and I prefer them to the Radion XR30 Pro g4's I replaced.  But a "reviewer" is requesting a high fee to publish a video review.  Doesn't seem like an unbiased review process to me.

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Apologies. Thx, I should search before posting. It's been a while, ok?! :)

EDIT: Ok, seems like a tangent but related thread. As consumers it's important to not put up with shenanigans though. And it's generally the norm with MO marketing.

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I dont know where I stand on it. On one hand, you have the "how can it be a decent review if they are getting paid" but on the other hand, YouTube channel takes a lot of effort to grow an audience, the value is in the subscribers, so in one hand, you are paying for advertising which all companies have to do.

The same thing happens in every industry. Have you ever read an honest car review from an auto magazine?

There is an old adage for a reason... you have to spend money to make money. You could have the greatest product in the world...but if nobody knows about it....

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6 minutes ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

I dont know where I stand on it. On one hand, you have the "how can it be a decent review if they are getting paid" but on the other hand, YouTube channel takes a lot of effort to grow an audience, the value is in the subscribers, so in one hand, you are paying for advertising which all companies have to do.

The same thing happens in every industry. Have you ever read an honest car review from an auto magazine?

There is an old adage for a reason... you have to spend money to make money. You could have the greatest product in the world...but if nobody knows about it....

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I do think some of this could be addressed by the "reviewer" being more forthright about what "incentives" they may receive to review a product - that way, consumers can factor that into the equation for themselves as to how important they feel that might be.  Ultimately, if they only give positive reviews then their integrity will be questioned regardless but if it appears they are hiding some of the financial arrangements it only provides incentive to discount their contributions in my mind.

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I dont know where I stand on it. On one hand, you have the "how can it be a decent review if they are getting paid" but on the other hand, YouTube channel takes a lot of effort to grow an audience, the value is in the subscribers, so in one hand, you are paying for advertising which all companies have to do.

The same thing happens in every industry. Have you ever read an honest car review from an auto magazine?

There is an old adage for a reason... you have to spend money to make money. You could have the greatest product in the world...but if nobody knows about it....

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Spot on here. Doesn’t make it right for companies to deceive consumers because they have the largest budget, but you are right...this exists in every industry...and only has progressively gotten worse thanks to consumers chomping at the bit for more of this exact type of content!

It sure would be nice to have some place that was just brutally honest about all product reviews...

But then those big corporations would be angry and would just hire a $1k/hr lawyer to shut them up...

And then they’d start making infomercials like everyone else....

Tuning out.

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