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Thomas' Red Sea 170


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The diatom bloom has ended, now on to the hair algae lol.  My CUC seems to be enjoying this much more.


I also added a personal favorite of mine.  No reef tank is complete without a scarlet cleaner shrimp


It's so nice to see all the life in my little glass box

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Some LPS additions 😎

First we have s beautiful light blue Alveopora.  These are absolutely beautiful.  They have very mixed reviews online but these should come from as hardy line.  I hope for the best.



Also picked up a single head of branching neon green hammer Euphyllia.  Its crazy how much the market has exploded for these since I was last looking at these.  But they are worth it.


I think this guy would like a little lower flow.


Sorry for the blue pictures, I worked late tonight and missed daylight mode


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22 minutes ago, CuttleFishandCoral said:

Looking good. The alveopora is going to be awesome. The branching yellow hammer is also looking good. 

It’s a pleasure seeing u back in this hobby. I have the best memories of u and ur mom at my original shop. 

Thank you.  I really do like the Alveopora.  It was open in the bag on the way home and while dipping.


It's funny, your new shop is awesome and has plenty of space.  But I do miss your quirky old little shop =]

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few new additions 


I stopped by Cuttlefish and Corals yesterday and picked up a cute little royal garama.


He is still hiding in the rocks.  I can't wait until he comes out and show his colors 

And of course you can't leave without a coral 


This blastomusso wellsi is looking awesome.  It fully inflated right away.

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A few new additions 
I stopped by Cuttlefish and Corals yesterday and picked up a cute little royal garama.
He is still hiding in the rocks.  I can't wait until he comes out and show his colors 
And of course you can't leave without a coral 
This blastomusso wellsi is looking awesome.  It fully inflated right away.

Let me know if your gamma ever comes out aside from to eat! My daughter picked one out and he hasn’t warmed up to us yet.

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Spent some time tonight dealing with the tangled nightmare of wires that my equipment had become.  Also got the sump cleaned up a bit.  Not as sleek as Randall's but its coming along 


I had to turn my skimmer around.  The outflow was creating ripples over the baffle and making a tinkling noise lol

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Spent some time tonight dealing with the tangled nightmare of wires that my equipment had become.  Also got the sump cleaned up a bit.  Not as sleek as Randall's but its coming along 
I had to turn my skimmer around.  The outflow was creating ripples over the baffle and making a tinkling noise lol

Looks good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have purple little dots everywhere!



Came around the corner and there they were.  With the green algae around it, it does look diseased lol

Might be time to try a fuzzy stick 


The first try taking this picture 


Whatcha looking at

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I really need to realize that I cannot get water and not buy some new treasures lol


With the coraline algae taking root it was time to try a SPS piece.  Keep in mind I have NEVER been able to keep SPS in the past but now tith better equipment.... famous last words 

But here is my super rare green birds nest =]20190405_191218.jpg

So far it has survived the night =]


I also scored a cute little tail spot blenny 


And just for fun a FTS


Funny side note.  Since I added the blenny my royal garama has been out and about.  Maybe he stole here hiddy hole =]

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15 hours ago, Derbird said:

Well I have had my Seriatopora for a week and not only alive but seems to be thriving 


I know its an easy mode SPS but the fact it's doing well really impresses me lol

I tend to celebrate success wherever I can find it these days... Glad it's doing well!

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Stopped by Cuttlefish and corals to buy some water and ended up with a few new pieces.  I am noticing a trend here =]


First up is a coral that has been on my wish list forever.  A sweet Dragon Soul Favia.  This guy not only has awesome coloration but has an interesting growth pattern.


I also scored a very unique Leptoseris.  I have thought of these as orange or gold but this one has a blue and purple base with bright green highlights.  Bonus is Jeff grew out this coral himself.



I actually have a question about the Leptoseris.  I am reading they live low light, even shadow.  But I saw this pretty high in the tank.  Plus it is an SPS.


Thanks for listening to me ramble 

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Finally picked up more test kitsch

NO3  0

PO4. 0.04

Ca. 450

Mg 1540

KH. 7.6


My system seems awfully new to have such low nutrients...  Not sure if its s problem.


Mag is a little high but I'm pretty happy with the results 

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I found a bubble algae "bubble" on a frag the other day.  Not a big deal right, so I went to Cuttlefish and picked up an emerald crab just for future control.  As I was putting little emerald in I saw the live rock I used to cycle the tank from a different angle.  Dozens of bubbles @#&!.  I really do like that little coraline covered rock but it sits in a bath of hydrogen peroxide 😥.  Better to nuke it now and let it come back.


On a happier note I did score some nice frags from Jeff.  I have a problem lol

First is a nice little Duncan coral.  Should do well in the low flow area on my back wall


And since the siriatopora is thriving I grabbed a stick of purple stylophora 


I need to be more careful gluing SPS down.  I left a thumb print from holding too tightly.  Whoops 

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I have fallen way behind on this thread =[


I have added a few corals since the last update, of course


At the cinco de mayo party I scored some nice group buy pieces :clap:


Acan trio20190530_205833.jpg

Micomussa 20190530_205840.jpg

And four heads of CAR zoanthids 20190526_204630.jpg

(Also pictured bam bam's from Holly, red skirt lunar eclipse, and king midas from CNC,  purchased later)

Also from Holly's 10 dollar "frag" sale I got

Orange Digitata 20190530_205902.jpg

Jack O Lantern Leptospirosis (not as yellow in person)20190528_210111.jpg

Birds of paradise Siriatopora 


Plus the bam bam's pictured above 


More to come but this post is long enough 

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After getting a good tingle of electricity from my power strip it had to go.


Today the Amazon fairy brought a new one lol20190603_173409.jpg20190603_174518.jpg

All hooked up and ready to go. 


I also had an adventure but need to wait until everything opened to share :)

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Yesterday I made the long, long drive to check out Paradise Corals.  


Man, if you even like Zoanthids you need to check it out :drool:, Wow, just wow.  It was great to see @MrBret again, it had to have been a few years.  Grandma fell in love with his seahorses.


But I couldn't resist picking up a few new Zoanthids 😃  I wish my photos did these corals justice.


Scrambled Eggs 


A head of Blue Rino - Orange filter used20190604_212634.jpg

GB Blue Macaws - Orange filter used 


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Next new toy, I splurged on marine depot's memorial day sale and got a Tunze 3155 ATO :clap:.  They really mean economy shipping for their free shipping.  Now to decide what to use for water storage 20190606_140140.jpg

I also see the first of the surviving limpets showing up on the glass.  I'm going to have to be more careful with my magfloat.20190609_193511.jpg

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