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Back at it... RSR 170 to 350 to WB 190.5


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1 minute ago, Krux said:

My real question is, who did you get to make that sweet cabinet for you?  I can work on a layout that will work, but the construction is beyond my hand tools.

Its actually made from Acrylic cut on a CNC, an acquaintance of mine took my blueprints and cut it, then glued it. I can send you his information if your wanting

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1 minute ago, Krux said:

Hmm, that likely means I need to learn SketchUp doesn't it?

I used a ruler and a piece of printer paper, Clearly drafted all dimensions, scanned it and emailed it and some cases just sent picture messages :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



After 8 days away the Apex kept everything running along smoothly, the diatom bloom is over, and the fish all seem to be getting along smashingly.


Waiting now for Trident to come out.  Once I have that piece in hand I will be working on getting all of the electronics sorted out, an equipment cabinet constructed, and then we will really be up and running.


As an aside, I am on the hunt for a good sized frag of OBT.  I think I can get Travis to cut one for me if nobody has a good colony going these days, but figured I would start here.  When I lost my frag from Steve's tank that is when I shut my last system down... If someone happens to have a frag of that pedigree it would be fun to get it going again.

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Some reference photos I snapped to track growth.  The wife has warmed up to allowing me to invest in a newer DSLR, our current one is 15 years old.  Hopefully in a month or so I will be able to get some actual photos... by then the tank might start be interesting to look at to boot!


**if anyone is looking to unload a T2i I am looking for that body, will likely just ebay it in the next couple of weeks unless someone hits me up**






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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of updates:

Added a diffuser to my Radion.  I was burning everything I put in the tank, and the sparkle disco effect was getting old.  Hopefully this will help with both issues.


All of the frags aside from the hammer (nuked it, slowly coming back)are growing nicely and are changing colors rapidly.  Ponape Birdsnest has doubled in size, the purple frag that looks like it is actually a green frag is starting to put on some length, and the weird olive green blob acro is starting to turn a nice indigo color.  Will spare everyone the ridiculously poor photos.

I am looking for info on the eshopps cube medium, there are rumors that it might fit in the cabinet under the 170.  It would be nice to make better use of the space under the tank and get a fuge going.

Finally today we added a new member to the clan.  S/he is already out hunting, eyeballing my shrimp as it goes.  We have determined this guy has earned the name Masta Killa.


That is all.



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11 hours ago, ChrisQ said:

Do you have a gen 3 or gen 4 Radion?


Glad to hear your corals are getting better. :thumbs:



Gen 4

I wish I had a good tripod and the canon 100mm macro lens on my wish list, it would be really awesome to do a daily photo of the birdnest and do a time lapse of its growth, if I can see it and I am looking at it every day it really has to be moving.

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8 hours ago, albertareef said:

Love the mystery wrasse!  Hopefully it will decide against eating the shrimp!

So far so good, I should have added a big skunk cleaner before adding him as they seem to do better if the shrimp are there first, but the timing didn't work out.


Now all I need is the bluespot jawfish and that will complete the fish stock list.  When the wife lets me upgrade to a  bigger tank I want a peppermint hogfish, but this take is a touch too small for one.

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Oh, for anyone on the fence on these diffusers, it made a huge difference on the glitter disco party that I had going on... highly recommend if that drives you nuts.  I think it was most apparent on the floor, the light would refract through the glass and make rainbows everywhere, this blends the light so you don't have a laser light show going on.

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Photo update on the birdsnest, trying to see if the iphone shooting in raw makes the blue any easier to scrub out.  Color rendition is still off, it is definitely getting that nice green cast to it and the tips are going pink.  Now I just need to figure out the focus...


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I found a better camera app for the iphoneX, it is called Halide.  It allows for manual focusing and iso adjustment, and lets you shoot in RAW.  The AWB is still not working for me, but the preselect for "sun" works out pretty well.  This is resulting in very little need for color manipulation in LightRoom.  Fish unfortunately don't like to sit still to allow for proper manual focus.

This has let me upgrade my image quality from potato to yam.


Masta Killa was hunting some Nyos Goldpods just now.



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Definitely better color capture with Halide, compare to post a couple upthread from yesterday.  Now the green is visible.  Now I just need to get one of those macro lens clip on dodads, anyone have any experience with the Moment lenses?  A macro lens should allow me to focus a little better.


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Picked up a miniature Sailfin Blenny, hopefully he can put in some work on the algae that is popping up at the top of the rock structure.  No photo yet as he is chilling at the back of the tank.

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My wrasse ate all my crabs too and I had green hair algae I could not seem to get under control, popped a Rabbitfish in there and he cleaned it all up in a week. I was able to get a smaller one knowing I will have to get a bigger tank later or find a new home for him if he gets too big. Best investment ever... just have to make sure I put out some nori now to supplement the shortage of algae. 


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bad gramar
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Red Dragon frag I picked up last week has settled in and is showing the lavender tips now, color change started yesterday.  Looks like this is going to be a high light lover maybe?



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Melev over on Facebook pointed out to me that he has a video on how to photo shoot with the iPhone X, watched that and am getting much better results.  Turns out most of the problem was solved by setting the Radion to 12k before shooting.


Green Lump Acro is decidedly less green.  Not sure where C&C got this frag, if someone recognizes it and knows anything about it please let me know.


Birdsnest is getting some vibrant coloration on the tips.


Purple Plasma continues to be less and less purple.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Green Blob Update:


Axial coralites and growth edge are now obviously turning a nice navy blue, bright yellow is starting to show on the tips.  Also noticing that the polyps appear to be turning yellow.



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Some more photos.

Talking the wife into a new camera this week, hopefully things will be a bit clearer in the next couple of weeks.


purple on red dragon is over saturated by maybe 15%, not sure how to spot-fix that.




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  • 2 weeks later...

picked up a couple of pieces from Rudy today that I had won in an auction.  I needed some red to tide me over until I find a frag of the RR Maleficent.  Also grabbed some OG PPe's which are one of only two morphs I want in this tank.  If anyone has a line on some OG Tubb's Blues please let me know, that is the other one I want.  For the zoas I had to reset the lights to CoralLab AB+ as the PPE's just didn't show well under my 12k photo setting for the Radion, unfortunately my iPhone hates UV from LEDs... lesser of two evils.


I hate zoas, some of you may remember my experiment a decade ago with regal angels trying to get them to eat 'em up in my bare bottom 75 gallon mixed reef, then I tried sundial snails, but TB and PPE bring me back to the old days, I can make an exception this time.


Thanks @goldenbasketreef



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