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March 2018 Meet at Hollys Pics


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The March meeting at Holly's was - a - BLAST!!!

Frag Swaps, Coral Sales, and Reef Talk!

Good Company, Fine Food, and Great Raffles!

I was a great day for sure!

The people who have seen Holly's setups know that there is plenty to admire and look at, she does a fantastic job at keeping things nice and proper, but for those who did not make it to the meet or have never been over, here are a few shots of part of her systems.


This display is crisp and clean, full of beautiful colors and motion.


The Hammer forest and Fungia patch are pretty impressive.


And I would say these frag racks are stocked and loaded, there is much to be had here but I know how things go fast so save me one for later yeah.

The club was generous enough to provide sandwiches, chips, and drinks to All who attended. It's really nice to just have all the refreshments and finger foods available, cause when I look at coral, I can get pretty hungry, and there as alot of coral.


Thank you Albertareef and Gil&Fin for making that all happen, I know there is always some foot work involved in making accommodations for the club.

When I got to Holly's I was a little early for presentation setup, but Emerald and Albertareef were already there getting the raffles ready to go. What A Team.


These two are very organized and on top of their game, like pros. Get your name tag and raffle ON here!.. And speaking of raffles.


LewisFisherman knows whats up! Even wearing the proper attire for the raffle at hand. We had some very nice prizes here. PIA git certificates, Sea Horse Exchange Gift certificate, TPA $50 certificate,Rod's Food pack, an Echotech MP 40, and a BRS dosing system with chemicals.

Hot Dam!


OptimusPrime coming in and getting those tickets in, MP40 my friend, or the certificates? Love the shirt by the way, I have some VW Zoas, good guy... Prime and Vance.


The room for the presentation was great, we filled it with chairs on the sides and there was actually a raised area overlooking the room that I am standing in taking this picture. Lexinverts helped me with some pointers on my presentation and got the system connected and running on the display. Thank you very much man, I would not say I am a computer savvy individual and you just run through it...

Meanwhile, downstairs where the tanks are located...


So many faces I had not seen upstairs yet, the downstairs was Hoppin! I even think I see DarkAngel and Cuttlefishandcorals in back there. Kai, how you doing guy?


Whatcha all Lookin at there Tesch!? Oh, that's right, the $10 coral rack is Loaded! Might want to take a step back and a deep breath...and get the cooler, there is some nice stuff in there.

Lotsa of familiar faces and a few new ones too.


Stylaster and Carissa came down from Washington to the meeting, happy you two could make it, good company here. I have a frag rack I am going to setup just for you Roy, get a couple chalices healed up for you, always nice to be in good with the man who runs Pacific Corals.


And speaking of the Man, Jeff from Cuttlefish And Corals was in the House! Awesome guy with and awesome shop. I hear we will all be seeing you soon my friend, so maybe I can catch up with you then, I only got a few sentences in with you before I got caught up in something else again. Looking forward to seeing what you have in stock, always a treat.


And in the same room I got to meet Kevin and his family. It was great talking with you, sounds like you have a good sized system coming along. If you are not too far off of the path one day I can come by and pay you and your tank a visit. Always like seeing other systems.


FlashyFins in the bright and vivid colors we find some of our favorite exotic wrasses in. A member of our BOD who does her part in the behind the scenes work here at the club.


Lexinverts left and Danlu right. Lex is our Vendor Relations Officer here at PNWMAS and an avid reefer. Danlu is a sponsor of the clubs with his Reefi light and is coming up with a few new product lines here in the near future. Keep us posted Daniel.


HigherThinking sporting the black and orange, yeah yeah. Looking forward to a much needed hang out session, I bet the house and tank are looking good. Thanks for the frag too man, You know I will return the favor yeah.


Here we have PDXMonkey left, one of the DIY guys that's good at what he does.  And then another generous builder,Spectra on the right. Scott is also good in his trade, currently spending some of his free time making a light rack for a Tanks For Teachers tank, what a guy.


And yet another cool shirt, Old School man. Exodus has been putting together a top notch system and from what I have seen the results are already showing. Looking forward to coming by and seeing the tank all maturing and growing.


Center in this picture putting smiles on peoples faces, is Gumby. I wanted to chat with you, Roy, and Cherany about the upcoming fragfest but I found myself bouncing all over at this meeting. There will be a nest time though, be sure, and I still need to come by and see your display one day.


Here is Ron and the wee one, getting another generation interested early is never a bad idea. Maybe I can make it a "Tank Tour" in Albany when I come by and chat with Nick and Brian here soon, get to come say hello.


Zoorreeef, left, chatting it up with Lexinverts. Super happy to hear you are back in the game man, can't stay away too long right!? I know it was super weird that I didn't show up with coral to trade this meet but be sure I will have some next time man, so Save me an eclectic shroom yeah.


Looks like he knew I had my camera out, Jack the Reefer here.I almost wanted to roll up on the pico contest, but I am out of counter space of my own at home...Maybe I can convince the misses to start one up. Anyhow, it was nice seeing you, it had been a while.


Flash and family here. Everyone was so nice and well mannered... And thanks a bunch for helping with some of the presentation aftermath/breakdown, every hand is appreciated,  were glad you're  part of the club

Whoa, Whats That President!? Presentation time and then Raffles!? 


They are on it! Our Team is Amazing! Getting all this in order is no easy task, Emerald here just KILLs it!


Everyone getting ready for that sweet raffle, PetVet, right, has tickets in hand like a pro. I try and remember my beginning and end numbers but it never works and I have to look anyways.

Eventually the doser and the pico went into the lucky hands of...



Yeah BUDDY! What a score! You thinking about getting in on that Pico Competition? It was nice meeting you, we hope to see you at future meets yeah.


Had to include one of the many laughing pics I captured. Youcallmenny center right  and Lewisfisherman far right just having fun and Albertareef front trying not to laugh while working. Love IT! Just the act of the raffle causes explosive Cheer!

And Finally, the suspense of the final draw is thick, I want an MP40 but so does everyone else.


Gill&Fin was hoping to be holding the winning ticket but...




MP40 for Paratore! Congratulations Man, I know you got a spot for that beast. Very Cool! That thing will put some wind in your sail that's for sure.


Traler man left, and Kai were close in the raffle, but no cigar. Me either, but it was fun yeah. 

Now Obviously I wasn't able to take a picture of my own presentation but I plan on revising it and making it available for everyone.

This is a picture of everyone starting to gather, after this I had to put  my camera down but  imagine there were other folks taking pictures so I am hoping they share some here at some point.


Thank you to those who attended the presentation I did, hopefully it wasn't all old news to you and the end impact of everyone doing their part in prevention went home with you. Thank You for having me out, it was fun.


Kinda off topic but...


And earlier I mentioned the upcoming Pico Contest so I felt it was relevant to post this little pico I saw at Holly's house.... Isn't it "Cute'? I actually like the protruded rock face, it reminds me of that Iwagumi style.

And another couple of cool off topic shots I caught.


Look at Daniels son working those crawling and climbing muscles, welcome to the club buddy...Where's your name tag little man?


Not sure if this was when Cody won the MP40 or when Newreefer won the pico tank...Or if it was just kids being kids. Darcy left sees something going on to so I guess I just missed it myself. 

If anyone else out there was taking photos and has some good ones, I encourage you to share them here on this thread or in another. I can't be everywhere all the time so I know I missed out on tons of stuff. Please and Thank You in advance.

And now my usual final message  of THANK YOU!!!

Thank you so much  for opening your home o the club Holly, you are an amazing host and your layout fit the meets needs so well, it was truly wonderful.

Thank You to the Officers and Board Of Directors who put all those unpaid hours into behind the scenes work making the events happen. 

And Thank You to the club members, whom without there would be no group we love and call PNWMAS.

You All Rock, Reef On!!!


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Thanks Bert! Love these photo - recaps sooooo much!  Yeah, I know, I say that every time but it's true!

Great meeting and really informative presentation (thanks again!).  Holly is always a super gracious host and I can never get enough of her system - truly an inspiration.  Thanks all who showed up to mingle, trade, raffle and snack - was great to see so many of the club there sharing a good time.  As always, I never seem to have enough time to talk to everyone I want to hang out with but good to (briefly) see Scott, Greg, Roy, Jim, Brian, Cody, Daniel, Dodge, Jeff, Andrew, Ryan, Brandon. Paul (and a bunch of folk I'm missing) and all the BOD and officers.  Awesome to see so many talented and dedicated reefers in one place!

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Another great meeting ! Thanks Holly for hosting and organizing ! Your tanks are so beautiful and were so incredibly clean! I can spend hours in your fish room!

Great talk Bert! I actually learned a lot. I knew from experience that Revive was my go to dip when all else failed and now I know why ! It also reminded me to buy more hydrogen peroxide for my frags with algae on them!

Thanks Sean for coming early and helping with the food! Thanks Lexinverts for helping with the meeting set up and all those members who stepped up to lend a helping hand with cleaning. 

Great to see old faces as well as new members!

And of course can’t be said enough great write up and pictures Bert!

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1 hour ago, milesmiles902 said:

Looks like a fun meeting. Holly's place is always a blast. 

Too bad I missed it. I had to study. :(

...but classes are over! Forever! I'm done with classes for eternity and now. Time is no longer of the essence. :)

Sorry you weren’t able to make it Miles- you were missed. Congrats on finishing up the classes though!  I remember what a relief that was back in the day. 

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Bummed to have missed this one, but looking forward to future meetings.

Great pics @badxgillen you make these meetings even more memorable and really showcase what this club is all about.  

All those hard working volunteers, showing up to every meeting, month after month, year after year.  You know who you all are, huge thanks for all you do!


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Great job with the hitchhiker talk and the photo recap, Bert! Excelling at two major jobs there! We are lucky to have you! :clap:

Special thanks to Holly for opening up her home, to all the club officers who pitched in to make the meeting a success, and to everyone who came out to socialize and support the club! We have such a fantastic group of people here!  More exclamation points because I love them so!!!!!!  :crab:


What, you don't all have a bottle of turpentine in your fish med cabinet? :wacko:  Consult with Bert or Miles recommended first.


Yep, all your fingers are still there, Andy! :laugh: Technical assistance during the talk appreciated. :thumbs:

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1 hour ago, Flashy Fins said:

Great job with the hitchhiker talk and the photo recap, Bert! Excelling at two major jobs there! We are lucky to have you! :clap:

Special thanks to Holly for opening up her home, to all the club officers who pitched in to make the meeting a success, and to everyone who came out to socialize and support the club! We have such a fantastic group of people here!  More exclamation points because I love them so!!!!!!  :crab:


What, you don't all have a bottle of turpentine in your fish med cabinet? :wacko:  Consult with Bert or Miles recommended first.


Yep, all your fingers are still there, Andy! :laugh: Technical assistance during the talk appreciated. :thumbs:

Thanks for posting those Cherany! Glad you were able to catch Bert presenting his talk along with the tech support 😀. Super informative and well put together - thanks again Bert!

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