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Power Outage Plan?


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I'm trying to develop a backup plan should their be a power outage.  I'd like to know what your plan is, if you have one.


How long do your feel your system can run without power?

What are your priorities (oxygentation, heat, filtration, etc)?

How would you power those priorities (inverter/car battery, inverter/self-contained battery, generator, etc)?

For those who have multiple tanks, do you have individual backup plans for each tank?

Tips on products or resources?


Thanks, all.



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Good idea, it happens where we are.  Here is what I do for what its worth...


Short term - Computer UPS  


APEX powers down everything but the return pump (because it feeds both tanks).  

APEX, return pump, router, cable modem all running off of computer UPS.  APEX notifies via text/email of outtage.


This is all automatic, requires no intervention



Long term - Portable Generator


If the outtage is more than an hour, I usually go this route.


A relatively inexpensive portable generator is hooked up to the house.  We have a 30 amp transfer switch to plug into and protect the line workers.  This can run the house for days if you keep enough gas on hand or can get to the gas station.  Ours is smaller, 7,000 watt peak, so we run all of our lights, tvs, refrigerators etc on it but not the heavy appliances like HVAC or dryer.


This is very manual, hard to ask someone to do if you are on vacation.  It would be awesome to have a whole house auto generator, but we couldn't justify the 10,000 bucks for something that happens a couple of times a year  :nutty:   A solution like this is less than 1000 if you know how to add a transfer switch and have room in the panel.

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I am with Spilo, I have many tanks and have had the power out for several hours several times over the years and as long as the tank has good parameters with healthy animals and not overstocked I have had no issues. Now if it was a whole day or two I would probably be singing a different tune.


On another note, if I had the money , space, and time I don't see why not get a large generator installed for stand by.


There was a time when I still had a 75 gallon on my open porch and it took 700 watts in heaters to keep it going during the years there would be heavy freezes. A couple times the power went out and we had to cover it with blankets and heat water to pour into the tank via gas burners...That was really stressful and thankfully happened during the day light hours, maybe I should get a generator.

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Thanks, guys.  We already have a generator so that's a good long-term plan.  I'm getting a battery inverter for the short-term.  I'm also going to look into an APEX system because it sounds like it does quite a bit. 


Thanks again.

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I bought one of these battery backup air pumps, pretty cool since it turns on automatically if it loses power to the plug:




I have an APC for running a wavemaker. As long as water is moving, I haven't had any issues. Obviously since mine is inside the issues of temp swings are less than the hillbilly porch reefs LOL

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I don't know about Hillbillies, I have had a holding tank on my porch for years for live rock, clean up crew, and an onry eel. I have done tank maintenance for a living for some time and find the extra tank space helps even when it is on the porch, I hope you don't think too lowly of this old indian...I am converting the porch into a fish room of sorts if that is of any consolation.Might even nab me one of them fangled gas motor generators.

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I have an inverter that can attach to the car battery. I also have a few battery backups that could run a single powerhead for 4-5 hours.


In a "crisis situation" a single powerhead oxygenating the water would be my priority. Temp would be #2.


I wouldn't worry about lights until day 3 or 4.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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