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$10 frags??


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Micah you should definitely check out his place it is amazing! Honestly I think we all would get along! I mean heck Rudy and I put up with Reefnjunkie!DOH!(laugh)

Believe it or not Micah I did not want you to step down as admin. I just wanted you to listen to the feedback and take it to heart!


Perhaps we should make Golden Basket a thunderdome type situation? ;)


Yeah, brad's a giant knob. Everybody knows that. :) Well, spilled milk right? I think my vision of a "fix" for the site is different than most. I really don't think most would appreciate my solution. :)


Good to know everybody doesn't hate me I suppose. Thanks for that!

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This is all I can do since I'm banned from GB for leaving a neutral comment. Good popcorn though..


Simple enough.

Do you ever communicate the problem to us?

Do you ever exercise 14 days guarantee that we offer?

If your answers is no, why would you say you have a problem in that feedback???

Do you know that there is vendor forum for this kind of situation?

You response here only clouded the drama

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Drama will always here in public forum.

I would encourage members to see past the drama and speak out to discuss the very issues

we are facing here.

The issue that being discuss is about vendor feedback posted in open thread to attack

vendor not once but twice. Clearly the person that doing this as personal forum member

or as a person with high position in the club is in the wrong and violated forum rules.

That is why his post being removed.

The question that forum people discussing is whether the club has different sets of rules

in this situation being the violator is a high ranking officer.

The big implication that need to be discus also is by doing repeat bashing outside vendor forum

this leader leads by bad example. He gave a green light for all members and people in forum

to ignore forum rules and bashing fellow members or vendors. The drama start and end to this person.

I am sure the bods and officers will deal with this issue instead of letting it go unresolved.

Second issue is about the validity of Kevin’s buying experience.

Since this is the second time he has expressed his bad buying experience I will address this issue

here in the open.

Kevin bought from GB twice and both purchases are for one item each and a gift certificate.

One purchase in March and another during live sales in August.

All these months Kevin never once communicate the problem to me and he never exercise

the 14 days guarantee that we offer.

It is clear to me that he has no issue, he just throwing punches and using an excuse as personal

buying experience for the good of the community.

Each one of us should question him if my statement above true or not.

This situation is nothing more than Kevin’s personal agenda and his express animosity toward GB.

A person in leadership position making up story as excuse to attack vendor and confrontational in nature

is simply a poor leader. He has use his position to accomplish his personal agenda to attack GB.

Bods member has advised him to apologize during the first incident which he did and 2 minutes later

he sent another email to retract his apology. ???

Kevin needs to address his own problem.


Sad situations but these are issues that we have to face.

Knowing this happening and still keep quite then soon enough we don’t have a forum

to discuss about our reef hobby.


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Simple enough.

Do you ever communicate the problem to us?

Do you ever exercise 14 days guarantee that we offer?

If your answers is no, why would you say you have a problem in that feedback???

Do you know that there is vendor forum for this kind of situation?

You response here only clouded the drama


Plus I gave you a way out which is to buy in person so you don't have any issue.


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I like golden baskets corals and will get more when my new tank is set up. Should give him a shot Micah. Visit his facility before buying. Actually are we allowed to just come to the shop to check things out?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The other day I made the following post:


IME I have never been happy when buying online from Goldenbasket. They are open to the public on Friday and Saturday. I would suggest if you want to buy from them going there when they are open so you can see the frags and the lighting conditions they are under before buying. JME


It was wrong of me to do that. I'm not a perfect person, I make mistakes, more then my fair share honestly. I forget that because of my stature in the club that often times my words will be viewed as speaking for the club. I've been in some form of leadership in this club be it Moderator or now President for the last 8 years. You think I would have learned my lesson by now, apparently I had not. I will try harder to remember the weight my words carry. It is not right of me to represent the club in the way that my post did, as it certainly is not the opinion of PNWMAS.


I realize that my words caused a lot of hurt feelings not only towards Rudy, but also towards several members of our site. It was also an unfair position for me to put the BoD in. So to Rudy, the members, and the BoD, I apologize.


I'm going to continue to try harder to make sure my intentions line up with my words and my actions. I'm tired of all of the fighting that goes on here. I know that many of you are as well. I am going to try harder to be an example of the solution, and not feed into being part of the problem. It's tough sometimes. I get carried away, caught up in things, I bring things from my outside world here, a lot of us do. But that doesn't make it O.K.,and it does not make my actions excusable.


We all have a place and a roll here to fill. Last week I failed at mine. I will try to do better in the future.

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I'm of the mind that if someone has a negative experience, with a sponsor or non-sponsor alike, this is EXACTLY the place where it should be discussed, civilly of course. If someone has a really bad experience, censoring the topic based on whether or not they sponsor the club is almost akin to bribery.


With that said, Rudy ALWAYS kicks [language filter], has an awesome German Shepherd that I really want to play with, and has the biggest coral selection I've seen locally. I just wish I had some time to pick up my corals this week.

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