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Vodka Dosing?


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Oh man, years since I vodka dosed, I need to look up the amount of mls per gallon, all I remember is my skimmer wasn't good enough ( is this the part I can dog on the AquaC line of skimmers (whistle)) and I lost a clam and a few pieces of coral.


off topic I guess but have you looked into vinegar dosing, its the same concept (carbon dosing) just a little more forgiving. I also had great success with Bio-pellets all need a killer skimmer tho


just googled vodka dosing chart and found;


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I was doing 7mL a day on a 265g system.


I haven't set it back up since the move, but I really need too


It is very easy once you get it going well. All tanks are different in what they need. My system did not need much. I know of one person who does 45mL a day on a 100g. So there is a range. Start low, go slow. It is worth doing IME

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I dose, forget the amount as I just had it set initially and just adjust my doser as needed. When I was reading into it I found someone said do like 10% vinegar with the rest vodka. That's what I do. I took my bio pellets out a few weeks ago. As Brad said, a good skimmer is needed. I use a RO Elite 220 now and it's much better for the task and bioload than others I've used.


Overall I never crashed the tank when I started, just take things easy as everything else in this hobby and the adjustment phase will be painless.

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I dosed vodka last year and saw great results. I have since switched to acetate and still see great results. Once you get it going, it's a very simple process.


When starting I used this guide for the vodka: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-08/nftt/ You can use the same chart for dosing vinegar, except use eight times as much 5% vinegar as you would 80 proof vodka.

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Try bio pellets it's much easier' date=' just start with a small amount and add slowly it should work pretty well.[/quote']


After doing both, as well as the sulpher denitrator, I think pellets would be my way to go too, the caveat being a recirculating reactor for sure so the tumble could be controlled and the rate of effluent.


Granted one method is 6.00 and a trip to the liquor store and the other is well, let's say a little more than that.

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