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Got this from r2r






USFWS Notifies Aquarium Businesses that Importing Listed Corals is Illegal


Early this afternoon Eastern Standard Time, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Office of Law Enforcement at the Port of Los Angles confirmed that wildlife inspectors were notifying aquarium trade import facilities in Southern California that it is now illegal to import any of the 20 species of coral recently listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This information appears inconsistent with statements released previously by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) saying that there would be no immediate effect of the listings on the marine aquarium trade. Several of the coral species listed are popular aquarium animals with regular imports to aquarium wholesale businesses located in Los Angeles. The announcement of the threatened listings under the ESA came in late August.


Read more here.

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Unfortunately this is just the first step. Before long it will illegal to "possess" these corals. Anybody who has these corals in their tanks now will become instantly guilty of a crime. Plus trading, buying these corals, even from existing captive stock will become a crime.

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What is wrong with protecting something that is endangered? I'm honestly asking.


Seems to me that most people strive for to have the hobby with as little impact on the environment as possible, doesn't leaving these in the ocean further that cause?

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I am in agreeance here. I think the import/export side may be effected by this at some point and rightfully so if the species are truely diminishing. I think as hobbits we have plenty of sources for getting some of the items on the list as they have been aqua cultured for long enough to meet our wants.



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IMPORTANT UPDATE (1:18 PM PDT): (via Ret Talbot) NMFS has just confirmed that USFWS's actions this morning were in error! Importation of the 20 species listed below is NOT prohibited.


The 20 species are:

[h=3]Atlantic Waters[/h] Mycetophyllia ferox

Dendrogyra cylindrus

Orbicella annularis

Orbicella faveolata

Orbicella franksi

[h=3]Pacific Waters[/h] Acropora globiceps

Acropora jacquelineae

Acropora lokani

Acropora pharaonis

Acropora retusa

Acropora rudis

Acropora speciosa

Acropora tenella

Anacropora spinosa

Euphyllia paradivisa

Isopora crateriformis

Montipora australiensis

Pavona diffluens

Porites napopora

Seriatopora aculeata

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Now planning my coral hoarding bunker. My supply list is growing and growing. Thank God for LED's, otherwise the government would find us all by tracking bulb purchases and power consumption.


I'm thinking I'll have the room located behind my library wall...pull on my copy of "Journey to the End of the Night" and the lair shall be revealed.

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nevermind' date=' looks like USFWS made a mistake. It was a miscommunication between the two agencies.[/quote']



Implying gooberment agencies communicate, understand.....I'll stop before I start (flame)



Now planning my coral hoarding bunker. My supply list is growing and growing. Thank God for LED's, otherwise the government would find us all by tracking bulb purchases and power consumption.


I'm thinking I'll have the room located behind my library wall...pull on my copy of "Journey to the End of the Night" and the lair shall be revealed.


I've been preparing for this for a long time-and if they knock on your door, just say you're growing some weed





I'm pretty sure this ban has a lot to do with sponsors on forums attacking us collectors and infringing on their sales. I'm sure its a personal attack towards the upcoming sale thread I'm working on too


20K Lokani

30K Lokani

40k Lokani

Banana Lokani


I think its in my better interest to no longer refer to any acro I own by its scientific name, being big brother is always watching (scary) So,I guess its not such a bad thing to have a tank full of all those designer names now is it (laugh) no longer will a coral go by its scientific name in a sale thread (whistle)


I know this ban has been discussed for years as Kris noted but it looks like they may be actually getting somewhere, I mean in 3 years they have been able to narrow the list down from 66 to 22-

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