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question for admins


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Hey not sure who / where to post this sooo...

Tried logging back in and could not do so, and when i went to members list i was no longer on it.. did the hack obliterate members who signed up after 2012?

Another newer member down here in Eug. is also having same issues..

Any help? Or answers would be great

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Hijacking the question thread..


will we be getting back the home screen with recent and relevant posts.. I just get the root forum pages when clicking out logo


I liked that feature, but maybe less clutter on the left and right collumns, still keep the pic of the month

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Hijacking the question thread..


will we be getting back the home screen with recent and relevant posts.. I just get the root forum pages when clicking out logo


I liked that feature, but maybe less clutter on the left and right collumns, still keep the pic of the month


+1 to that that's what I like best about this forum over those rival sites!

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Yep. We'll definitely be getting that back. Hopefully when you wake up tomorrow, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Or, it could go horribly wrong and be back to where we are today - style wise. Either way, I'm working diligently on that aspect. I just re-created our server from scratch - literally. New server, re-installed operating system, new forum software. I'll be doing a couple tests this evening to verify the data imports properly, then blowing it all out and doing a cutover at 11pm again with a fresh to the second dataset. As long as the site looks decent during the tests, I'll do the cut over. If it needs work, I'll probably work with some graphics folks and have it prettied up a little before releasing it into the wild.

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