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I've Been slimed, What to do?

J & Jr

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:eek: I checked my tank this morning to say hi and stare while drinking my morning coffee and the tank was a mess. All the filter socks were overflowing the skimmer was going nuts the fuge/sump had great globs of clearish scum and the display had streamers of the same every ware. I have no idea where all this came from none of my corals seem large enough to produce the quantities that are in the tank and sump. Other than a small BTA and large xenia all I have are small frags and only 7 or 8 of them. Any way how do you deal with this? I am in the process of draining the sump fuge and skimmer and replacing with new water and am trying to skim some out of the display tank with a net, But what do you do with all that is in the live rock and hung up in all the frags? Will it dissolve or go away or do I have to take everything out and rinse with salt water? Please tell me this wont cause my tank to crash and that it is just a nuisance. (scary)

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No I haven't added anything new other than a goby about 2weeks ago. so far all the corals look fine other than having streamers of snot Hanging off of them. My poor urchin looks like a gooey ball with streamers. a turkey baster doesn’t really clean things off it just knocks loose the streamers which then hang up somewhere else. Trying to gather the loose stuff with a fish net is only partially successful. I shut down the sump and cleaned everything last night which meant a 20 gal water change when I checked this morning it was a mess again but the main tank only has half what it had last night. Thanks for the thoughts and I will run charcoal as soon as I can put a filter sock back on the overflow down tube with out it clogging in half an hour.

I’ve been so happy with how clean my tank has been so far that this is frustrating. Will any of this dissolve, will hermits clean it up? Or do you have to clean everything in the tank one piece at a time? What fun that would be. thanks for the advise

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after cleaning the filters all afternoon and noticeing a smell that seemed off in the sump I turned off all the pumps, skimmer and CL and completely empted the sump. Stripped it down washed it out rinsed off all the live rock and cheto striped and cleaned the skimmer and then filled it with fresh salt water basically a 35gal waterchange.

We will see what its like in the morning

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I wish I could have but the camera was at home and I didn't feel like I could wait I was afraid things were starting to go down hill fast.will have the camera tomorrow and will take pic's if things have not improved by then. keeping my fingers crossed.

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Sounds like dinoflagellates.




When I read just this line. I totally busted up laughing with hamburger flying out.(nutty) Immediately envisioning Dinosaurs doing naughty thing in the tank. (naughty) I needed a good hood for the day(laugh) (laugh) (laugh)

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