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WTB Acid (not the kind you get at a greatful dead concert)


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I have some blue cloves that need to die and after many attempts at eradication I am going to try and burn them off. I just dont know where to buy the acid from. I dont need much so buying a gallon of it from a pool supply store does not apeal to me if you have some laying around and would sell me some or know a good place to buy some in small quantities that would be great =)

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Kalk works great, you just have to be on top of it enough to get them before they grow back! I would kalk a patch, then wait a week or two for fear of hurting the water column. That was too long, the bald spot would fill in again by the time I mixed my next batch of kalk. Good luck and have fun! :D

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So I have some calk I made it into tooth paste consistancy and spread it in a thin layer over the affected rock (should mention I removed the rock from the tank) I tried to make sure I covered every nook and crany evenly. The calk paste kind of skimmed over durring this process when I put the rock back in the tank it had a white calcerous shell covering it that did not disolve when I put it back in the tank. Not sure how much will disolve and how that will affect my already high calcium levels but it sure made for a bad day for the two bit little plague of polyps that were covering that rock. I will monitor my calcium levels over the next few days adn if they dont spike on me I will pull out the affected zoa rock and spot treat the cloves on it I may loose a few zoas in the proces but those are the casualties of war and this is war (torch)

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Sodium hydroxide 2n or 3n concentration. My own blend aiptasia x. I have some if you need it. I prefer it to kalk because you can use. Lot because it disassociates into sodium and water. Works well' date=' I call it under water fire[/quote']


Now we are talking burn them little bastards where they stand pm on its way =)

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Sodium hydroxide 2n or 3n concentration. My own blend aiptasia x. I have some if you need it. I prefer it to kalk because you can use. Lot because it disassociates into sodium and water. Works well' date=' I call it under water fire[/quote']


It does not dissociate into water... It makes sodium and HYDROXIDE, which is a strong base. It may not mess with alkalinity, but it does mess with pH. Probably not a lot because you are using mL in a huge tank, but it can still swing the pH up a little bit. (sorry, the chemistry teacher had to jump out here to prevent the spread of misinformation.)





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Depending on the size they cover could you take some expoxy and make a thin blanket (of death) and cover them in it, and then after a month or so pop the epoxy off.


They are resilient and always came back, I took the rock out and donated it to someone who was warned about how they grow rapidly.


Good luck Jeremy

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If torture is what you're looking for... A pot of boiling water and a pot of ice water.. Place in cold for ten seconds, place in hot for ten seconds. Repeat steps one and two until your craving for torture is gone. Acid around the entire body is a pretty quick death.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sodium hydroxide 2n or 3n concentration. My own blend aiptasia x. I have some if you need it. I prefer it to kalk because you can use. Lot because it disassociates into sodium and water. Works well' date=' I call it under water fire[/quote']

Just wanted to say thank you this worked very well and you only need a tiny amount of it that there is no fear of a ph swing Works very good to control any pest that may be growing in your system. I feel I now have the upper hand in the war on my blue clove invasion. One draw back is that when the clove are in with my zoas I do end up with a few friendly fire casualties. But this is war and zoas grow fast (torch)

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Here is alink for any "non-believers." I found it after someone wanted to know why its better than kalk. I have used it a lot in customers tanks. It is cheap and doesnt throw off the calcium/alk balance that kalk would if I used that in the amount I have used. I slurp up the dead aiptasia along with excess "aiptasia assassin" or "underwater fire" (my two names for it). No dead aiptasia floating around and no pH swings. It is very localized. I have no problem letting people try it. Its reagent grade NaOH and ro water. Not as adhesive as aiptasia x, but their syringe works well. If you have an empty bottle of aiptasia x and their syringe and want to try it, Ill fill er up lol



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