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Comming up on a year!


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(clap)Although to most of you one year of successful reefkeeping is a drop in the bucket, I am pretty stoked that I have come this far.



(rock2) I would like to thank Rubberduck9 (Patrick) my old neighbor who inspired me to take the salty plunge with his amazing tanks, and for guiding me to PNWMAS(rock2)



(party)Also I would like to give a shout out to every one in this club. It has been such a valuable resource for me. Not just in knoledge but also as a great place to meet other people who have the same passion for this hobby (and to get some amazing deals on corals and eq) The people behind the sceens at PNWMAS also desevre a special thanks as well for working so hard to keep this club running!






(naughty)Whats next you might ask?(naughty) One thing I learned is that it is best to start with the biggest tank you can run given your budget and space not to skimp on EQ now because you will end up paying laterDOH! This summer I have been slowly stock piling EQ with the hopes of some day getting a bigger tank. Given my small apartment I was limited on what that could be. How ever I recently picked up a 90gal cube from Epic1 (clap) 30x30x24 and will be starting a new build thread soon. This time I will even take some pictures along the way(fish)

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Woohoo a anniversary and a upgrade (clap) gotta love it. And congrads of building a sweet nano, its almost a shame to break it down for a upgrade....... almost (whistle)


I'm only two weeks away from a year of salty goodness myself. Good idea to put up a post about it :)

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Woohoo a anniversary and a upgrade (clap) gotta love it. And congrads of building a sweet nano, its almost a shame to break it down for a upgrade....... almost (whistle)


I'm only two weeks away from a year of salty goodness myself. Good idea to put up a post about it :)


Wow. has it been that long for you too?? Congrats to both of you. On a side note I think this is the longest I've had a tank setup and I'm still happy with it after 8 months...(laugh) I just might make the 1 year mark as well.

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Ok so this is how it began.........



Pulled out a 6 year old box of dead rock that I could not throw away after all those years




Kind of got off to a rocky start. lesson learned garf grunges belongs in a fuge not the display DOH!




This was right before I upgraded from the biocube to the 31gal I have now.




Two tanks are beter then one right (whistle)




my two clowns Merry and Pippen the day I got them from dave.



And here they are today having decided to host my zoa garden. They look like they are turning black!



This Tom he oversees my tank and makes sure no one is up to no good. He is a good watch dog =)




A final FTS before I set up the new tank (rock2)




The beginings of the next build. [language filter] I am lucky to have a wife who loves me so much (we do have a second shower or things might have gotten stinky(wife))



I was realy torn I do love this Nano and have spent a lot of time making it my own. How ever the new tank is going to be really awesome and with three times the room (clap)

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VERY NICE! CANT WAIT TO SEE THE CUBE BUILD... On another note how is your brine shrimp hatching going?


I have done 5-6 batches so far that think works like a champ I have just started using tank water diluted down to 1.015 to hatch em the seem to hatch faster and grow quicker when I do this it just felt wierd using food salt and baking soda lol

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