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Clown Book


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I have this awesome book on breeding clown fish. I have read it several times it has been much loved. I thought I would pass on the knoledge to a fellow reefer. I would be open to trading for a frag of somthing not picky here just want it to go to a good home. If you have thought about raising clown fish this is a good read =)





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Its the clown bible... I have one.. wouldn't trade it fpr the world. Actually I just opened it again yesterday.. got a n new anemone for my b day and wanted to see ifthere was any cllowns that might host in my candy.. anemone. Know it is rare.. my baby maroon is already in it.. and I hear tomatos like them as well... like I said ud be fool not to want this book... clown bible.

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Its the clown bible... I have one.. wouldn't trade it fpr the world. Actually I just opened it again yesterday.. got a n new anemone for my b day and wanted to see ifthere was any cllowns that might host in my candy.. anemone. Know it is rare.. my baby maroon is already in it.. and I hear tomatos like them as well... like I said ud be fool not to want this book... clown bible.


Did you mean Condy Anemone (Condylactis gigantea)? If so I have one and they are not the best hosts for clowns :( My pair of False Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) are hosting the Condy. I was scared witless when they switched to it from the rock they hosted (scary). I don't think I slept well for a month. But all is good now and knock on wood they are doing well. I have yet to hear of another person having there Condy host. IMO the Condy's are awesome and a great nem but I wouldn't try to have it host. Just my $.02 :)

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mine seems to be happy to host my Juv. marroon in that tank.. the book says its fine for them to host in it... so I am not worried.. the other breeds I have in that tank just ignore it however.. I have many different clowns in that tank.. I have true and false perc juvienieles in there and and austrulian tomatos.. I have some black and white percs. and picaso in there too. basicly a reef clown only tank... since i have been breeding when I feel up to it.. Minus now since i am moving...but he seems to be happy..


that is the only anemone in the tank... I didnt want them fighting over anemones.. I have them no agressive right now..


My alpha female is a false perc and my male is a austrialian tomato clown.. Both about a year now.. so all the rest are Juvs.... I want a clown house like baricuda

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