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Clear Fx PRo


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So yesturday I got my order of Clear Fx PRO from Blue Life it is sposed to be a bigger badder version of chemipure elite. I saw it on mr saltwater tank and decided to give it a try as my chemipure was due to be changed. Her is what they have to say about it on there web site.



CLEAR Fx PRO 450ml






Master Carton:12 pieces


Dimensions:Length 3.5 | Width 3.5 | Height 3.75




CLEAR FX PRO is the most advanced all-in-one filtration media available on the market. Our cutting edge technology is compatible with both fresh and saltwater aquariums of all sizes. The easy to use media is the most comprehensive and reliable solution for aquarists of all skill levels.





The proprietary blend combines a super carbon, hybrid phosphate resin and organic scavenger resin. CLEAR FX PRO works rapidly to remove organic pollutants while leaving behind essential trace elements effectively keeping aquariums clean, clear and healthy for months.


To use the product simply place the mesh filter bag within a high flow area of your filtration system. The media is compatible within both canister filters and standard sumps.


Granular Activated Carbon (GAC):


CLEAR FX PRO contains a coal based granular activated carbon (GAC). The product offers the hardest carbon available that will still work when used in water. The high surface area and durability of our unique carbon allows CLEAR FX PRO to last longer and prevent deterioration over time. Unlike other carbon based filtration medias, the extremely low ash content of CLEAR FX PRO will not lead to hole in the head or lateral line disease within your aquarium.


Hybrid Phosphate Removing Resin:


CLEAR FX PRO introduces a new and exciting technology to the phosphate removal process. Unlike competing medias, CLEAR FX PRO uses a hybrid resin that works more effectively than Granular Ferric Oxide (GFO) phosphate removers. The resin’s spherical beaded structure will not clump or clog. The long lasting, high capacity resin absorbs phosphates in half the time as a standard GFO and will not release phosphates back into the water after reaching maximum capacity.


Organic Scavenger Resin


The scavenger resin in CLEAR FX PRO attracts your tanks organics, effectively controlling ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels. The organic scavenger resin has a macro-porous design that will not clog as quickly as competing organic removers. The resin works hand-in-hand with our GAC to deliver clarity, stability and health to your aquarium water.








Product Sizes


- 225 ml: Treats 50 Gallons Freshwater, 25 Gallons Saltwater


- 450 ml: Treats 100 Gallons Freshwater, 50 Gallons Saltwater






- 4 months saltwater


- 6 months freshwater


- Tanks with heavy bio-load should consider changing media more frequently






- Crystal clear water


- Removes: odors, tannins, phenols, gases, pollutants, CO2, phosphates (PO4), silicates (SIO2), copper, metals and nitrogenous organic waste


- Does not actively remove essential trace elements


- Raises Redox (ORP) significantly


- Controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates


- Removes contaminants and irritants harmful to coral, compounds carbon can’t remove alone, light blocking impurities and organics that degrade water quality by reducing oxygen


- Stimulates coral and plant growth


- Stabilizes pH (buffers without shock to fish)


- Will not release organics back into tank once exhausted


- Decreases need for water changes



Just wondering if any one else is using this product and what their results are. I have never had any nitrite nitrate phosphate problems in my tank in fact I also have tests of 0 on all of the above my new tank never went through a cycle when I upgraded from my biocube. So I really dont have a acurate way to measure if it is doing any better or worse then the chemipure. I did notice that my corals had better polyp extension this morning my mushrooms were bigger then I have seen them in a while. Chime in if you have used or heard of this product. online reviews were limted and probabaly from employees at blue life. I will up date this over the next few months with how this product is working out for me.

I should mention it is twice as much as chemipure elite.(popcorn)

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Sounds like snake oil....I kidding (crazy)


Looks promising. I will be interested to know how it works for you.


Thats what I was thinking if it is to good to be true then it probabaly is but I figured it was worth trying and if I dont get any better results then it is back to the half priced chemipure elite=)

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While at MAX I met a fello that had a bubble tip go through his power head opening morning. The water was cloudy and all his corals were pissed off. A few hours later I walked by his booth again and the tank looked crystal clear with just small pieces of bubble tip on the bottom of the tank. I asked him what he did to clear up the water so quick which he replied that Blue Life had given him a container of Clear Fx Pro and a filter sock and all he did was through it in the back of the tank.


Needless to say I was impressed so I grabbed a container to try. I have noticed very similar results with no ill effects. I was also impressed at the little residue that washed off the carbon in the pre wash.


If you have thought about trying this product I would highly recommend doing so. Plus the owner is really cool so you would be helping her out!


Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

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What I have found with this product after some research and talking to other hobbiests is that this product is the same as having chemi pure elite and purigen in your tank the only diffrence is that its all included in one bag. However that being said you can get the chemi pure elite and purigen for less and you get more of it. Still a great product just not sure it is worth the extra money. We are only talking a few dollars, without shipping. You figure in the limitted availability of the clear fx and the fact that you have to pay shipping for it makes it less of a draw then somthing I can get same day at a lfs and not pay shipping.

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