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My Donna's Little 20 long


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some updated pics of the coral in little Donna's tank


We added a big rock of seafoam zoas



And some clovers that came from a forum member Thx coralcarzy, she loves them. Kknight delivered.



A close up of her leather



I have also added 2 little baby rics, and we will be going to pick out some new things for her B-day. We will also be adding my old skimmer to her tank by next week.

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The tank is looking beautiful :)


I love soft corals and you look like you have a nice collection.


I've been holding on to a lot for her tank, and she loves them. I think she will be adding a LPS or 2 soon. I'm letting her decide as much as possible, but she is only 10 and has the focus of a guppy. She is set up w/ a great first tank and I know for a fact the skimmer we're about to add will head off most problems that she would have without it.

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  • 3 months later...

An update on Donna's tank


Donna has been working very hard on her tank over the last few months and yesterday at the meeting some very nice club members hooked her w/ some very nice frags. I am going to update for her and try to name names as to who gave what, but bear w/ me I got hit hard w/ coral trade when I walked through the door. I'll try to name everyone, but if I miss someone please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! speak up. Donna will be on latter to thank all of you great members and I'd like her to know where things came from. First lets show newer pics of the tank.


We have added sand.



and a new fish


Now the new corals

From Mike Nickerson These pink zoos and some golden coves


Golden coves are behind the fuzzy shroom and monti that Jeremy gave her. Thx guys


The leather on the right in the above pic and this (Ithink is another shroom type) were given by burningbaal Don't be mad at me guys softies aren't my cup of tea.


These and another zoo frag (I'm still waiting for the other frag to open, to get a pic) I think came from Mattv. Please if I got something wrong let me know.



Thank you everyone, you all are playing a big part in this little reefers development.

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The tank looks great Donna. One thing I would reccomend would be to add a back to your tank. This would hide all the equipment and wires behind it and help frame your pretty tank. A couple sheets of black or blue construction paper like you use at school would work just fine. Try it out and see if you like it.

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