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LED Stip lights


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I am looking for a cheap and low heat solution to add a little more light to my tank with out breaking the bank. I have seen several difrent stip led lights on the market for pretty cheap has any one used these are they effective and do they lasy very long or are they kinda cheap gimmics that you through out after a few months ? Thanks again for all the help, I could not do this without all of you at PNWMAS =)

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Need more info on what type of tank? What other lights are you currently running? What type of coral do you want to keep?


i run an ecoxotic strip on my nano. It is enough light for supplement...though I havent had any success with coral, but that could have more to do with the fact that I havent done a waterchange in 2 months...

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I have a Biocube 14 with 2x24watt campact flourecent lights 1x actinic and 1x 10,000k I am most ly going to keep soft corals but would like to maybe keep a frog spawn or other LPS and I will be doing weekly water changes to keep the water quality high.

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