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A guide


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Where is there a guide available for placing things in a tank. How are we to know what can be close and what will kill it's neighbor? I've noticed some zoas in mt tank that are close only on the side next to my BTA. I'll assume they don't like each other. Also there is a candy cane that looks like it ran into a wall on the side where 1 of my hammers is placed. There is about 3" in between all said placements. I think they are still to close. I've reached that point w/ my tank where things have grown up a little and I've added a little too.


Is there a general rule or is experience the teaching factor?

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Ive always use the common sense that if they are known to sting, they can kill others.


As for a guide, best thing to do is research each coral you have and find out if they sting, release toxins, friendly/not friend, etc.


Not sure if there is a single guide that will tell you everything your looking for.

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The hammer I know is a jerk. I've already move things on it's account. I realize also that the bta can sting, but will they like the hammer go after things. I have been noticing the 1 hammer stretching out as if to get to the other LPS. Maybe I'm just finding things have gotten big enough that that need a little shifting. I think it's time to go through all those bookmarks I've collected.

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I love my hammer. It goes super fast and i love the look of it. Just don't put it close to anything. I have seen it stretch out a few tentacles around 4" before so they need the room. They sting the crap out of me... i have to be really careful when moving mine.

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Same here, I seem to be a little more sensitive than most. The mushrooms make my hand tingle little if I have to handle them. I go out of my way to avoid contact w/ my hammers. Like placing them at night when there closed more. They are on rocks that are big enough to hold them, but small enough to be move easily. This 1 is 2 big heads, w/ a bunch of baby 1's. Not a big hammer but his sweepers sure are big.

I just read something that said this behavior can be curbed, but not eradicateded.

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