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I know I found this site by the laminated signs that SWF has hanging up around the store.


Saltwater Fantaseas is where I heard about this society also...I am fairly new to this forum/society, but the "drama" is nothing new to me, infact, the "drama" here is way more laid back joking kind of drama when I compair to other forums that I frequent in my other hobby, people really get mean and vindictive, here its more of a poke poke drama, but I might have tougher skin than most, I personally think this is a great forum, full of fantastic people, sure there are always those trolls here and there, but you can't let that be the focus of everything, there is lots of good spewing from this forum as well....Forums like this weither people like it or not are more of a Social networking site than a strict informational only forum, but to me thats part of the enjoyment is talking about everything, reef related or not, its honestly somewhat like facebook or myspace but somewhat marine aquarium related and LOCAL!!!


There are going to be heads butted, words exchanged, but especially in this hobby there are so many opinions on just about every subject....like me I am part of the "40b Club" but not cool enough for the "Kent Salt Club"....but thats ok...lol


I choose to not focus on the negative things that go on, but focus on all the positive things, the good people I have met, cool things I have been hooked up with, and all the knowledge and opinions of such a great community...That is honestly hard to find this many people that get along as well as we do, I am actually suprised....Keep up the great attitudes everyone and I am super happy to be part of this club/society/forum!



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I like the idea of each local sponsor have some form or sign/banner that can be put at the register or doorway. Something nice not made of paper.


Yes I have heard the acronym thing before. But when the club was formed I don't believe they were thinking about it at the time. Maybe a tag line is something we can discuss at sometime in the future.


There will be changes in the way the forums look in the future as we are working on that right now.


Someone in the club must have a connection to a printing place that has a vinyl sign machine - a nice 3-4 ft banner would be sweet.

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Saltwater Fantaseas is where I heard about this society also...I am fairly new to this forum/society, but the "drama" is nothing new to me, infact, the "drama" here is way more laid back joking kind of drama when I compair to other forums that I frequent in my other hobby, people really get mean and vindictive, here its more of a poke poke drama, but I might have tougher skin than most, I personally think this is a great forum, full of fantastic people, sure there are always those trolls here and there, but you can't let that be the focus of everything, there is lots of good spewing from this forum as well....Forums like this weither people like it or not are more of a Social networking site than a strict informational only forum, but to me thats part of the enjoyment is talking about everything, reef related or not, its honestly somewhat like facebook or myspace but somewhat marine aquarium related and LOCAL!!!


There are going to be heads butted, words exchanged, but especially in this hobby there are so many opinions on just about every subject....like me I am part of the "40b Club" but not cool enough for the "Kent Salt Club"....but thats ok...lol


I choose to not focus on the negative things that go on, but focus on all the positive things, the good people I have met, cool things I have been hooked up with, and all the knowledge and opinions of such a great community...That is honestly hard to find this many people that get along as well as we do, I am actually suprised....Keep up the great attitudes everyone and I am super happy to be part of this club/society/forum!




Good post and I agree! This place is not as bad as some people make it out to be. There is always going to be drama of one sort or another on an internet forum. If you guys think this is bad you should go to some of the sport forums I go to (laugh) If I was to have any complaint and that’s probably too strong of a word...maybe observation is better.. but I would have to say the mods around here moderate wayyyyy too much. I don’t think I have ever been to a forum that has had so many threads moved or deleted (basically the little drama PNWMAS has is hidden). matter of fact the 3 different boards that I had been a moderator on the only people that had delete options in their profile were admins and global mods (like less than 1% of the active posting community)and even then the only threads getting deleted where offensive spam such as porn or hate stuff. Other than that it was only subject to a lock, drop and maybe a PM warning from the normal mods. Moves where only used to get threads to their correct board and if the "management" needed to talk about a certain thread it would just get locked not moved/hidden in another limited access board. Maybe this is why new members get surprised once a thread goes a little sideways with opinions or threads where people get called out on topics some people see as a troll, because there appears to be no history of drama. Just unicorns, cotton candy and campfire songs going on in the PNWMAS forums…RIGHT…. But I digress...If you come to the internet expecting to find a forum/bulletin board/community that gets along 100% w/o drama you are going to be looking for a very long time.



As for how to drive more traffic to PNWMAS there have been a couple of good suggestions already. I would like to add that the members that post on other reef related forums where to put links to their build threads here on PNWMAS in their siggys on the other boards that could also help drive some people to this forum and possibly may get some other NW people on the site. The only other reef board I posted on before was The Reef tank, which is where PNWMAS used to be. For me there really is no other reason to go to another reef board these days.




Side note to the mods- don’t take the above as a slam from me. I've done the volunteer job you guys do and even did a paid gig as a global for 3 years on a corporate board and it’s not an easy job to do. No one will ever agree 100%.

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I just hope with the recent bans of daily and knowledgeable users this site doesn't die like gpas.org


On the other hand, now that I learned that a certain member was banned, I will be on here more often....that guy was driving my nutz and I found myself keeping AWAY from the forum ;)

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When I see people at the lfs and they havent herd of this site I give them those business cards that came with my membership card in the mail. It has the web address of this site on it.


Do our sponsors have these business cards? They could be handing them out to new customers, who are also new to reefing. When I set up my tank it was very overwhelming, this is a complex hobby and most who are new to this will jump at a forum that can give them good solid info.

I don't want to be the 1 to say this, but the threads are spurratick sometimes, we're all guilty of taking a thread off topic at some point I'm sure. The only time I visit RC anymore, is when I'm having a hard time finding info here

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Do our sponsors have these business cards? They could be handing them out to new customers, who are also new to reefing. When I set up my tank it was very overwhelming, this is a complex hobby and most who are new to this will jump at a forum that can give them good solid info.

I don't want to be the 1 to say this, but the threads are spurratick sometimes, we're all guilty of taking a thread off topic at some point I'm sure. The only time I visit RC anymore, is when I'm having a hard time finding info here


Along time ago we had a paper flyer posted at the LFS that gave us the OK to do so. But I do not think we used business cards.


But it is not the LFS job to sell us......... we do not pay them for that duty. It is something that we, the whole forum, need to do. If people like something they tell others about it. Generally that is the way it works.


I do have a message out to someone I went to school with that makes signs/banners. And if they seem reasonable I will ask the BOD if that is something we want to persue. I do like the idea of having a banner at a LFS that has our club name, logo, website, and a tag line on it. Something in the effect of "we support the stores that support us!" But more on that later when I get some info back.



Just keep in mind that we are the best way to keep this site going and GROWING!!

Good people and good advise are what will keep people here!!

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Well I think based on what happened this morning things seem to be going backwards. I created this thread to see what ideas others have and now we have lost two people on the boards. If I were to complain about someone posting a personal attack on me would this have the same results? Keep in mind I'm not asking for him to be banned or punished but harassment happens all the time on here. Is it only addressed if we complain about it? I'm just using my experience as an example. Don't do anything to gill. I have yet to have any hard feelings towards him. Just proving a point that not everyone is following the rules.


Just some food for thought.


I do like the idea of having banners in the stores but agree that we are the ones that need to talk to people about the forum. My store doesn't sell saltwater so its easy for me to transition the conversation to the site.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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Sent another customer to the site. Hope they show up. Cool couple.

Mentioned the deal on clays rock and reefs tank.


Good luck you guys


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk


lol nice job noob!



We could always get a club shirt with URL on it and just stand around the LFS's and use that for the ad if they dont want a banner in their store (naughty)

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With the many suggestions relating to banners in local stores it's a good idea to patronize those stores AND let them know that you are a member of PNWMAS so they see the support we give them. Also the reason I suggested a electronic version of the banner for our non-brick and mortar sponsors to use on their websites. We could even try to arrange some referral credit for the club/tft when users click on the logo before shopping.

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With the many suggestions relating to banners in local stores it's a good idea to patronize those stores AND let them know that you are a member of PNWMAS so they see the support we give them. Also the reason I suggested a electronic version of the banner for our non-brick and mortar sponsors to use on their websites. We could even try to arrange some referral credit for the club/tft when users click on the logo before shopping.


If/when the banners become reality I will ask if the 'electronic version' can be placed with those vendors also.


And yes when you purchase from a LFS or some other sponsor please make an attempt to let them know you are from PNWMAS and/or you appreciate their support!


Both great ideas "jack"!

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Can I suggest a few ideas?


1. Let's give an easier shorter name to the group, we can still be pnwmas.. but maybe we can be Pacific Reefers or something too. We can even save a domain name with whatever short version name we choose that links to the site.


2. I think it's time to freshen up the website design and possibly the logo. I think we should base the new banners on that. I love what Reef Frontiers just did, and love sites like Nano Reef...

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Can I suggest a few ideas?


1. Let's give an easier shorter name to the group, we can still be pnwmas.. but maybe we can be Pacific Reefers or something too. We can even save a domain name with whatever short version name we choose that links to the site.


2. I think it's time to freshen up the website design and possibly the logo. I think we should base the new banners on that. I love what Reef Frontiers just did, and love sites like Nano Reef...


We just did the logo not long ago, (2-3 yrs), because some didn't like it and wanted something easier to put on the CafePress items. I think the logo should stay and become a fixture just like RC's. When you see that logo you know exactly what site you are on. Maybe we can 'freshing up' the site with a new look or flare. (I know Jay will soon be updating to V4.0) I'm not against change but there is also something to be said for stability too.

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Can I suggest a few ideas?


1. Let's give an easier shorter name to the group, we can still be pnwmas.. but maybe we can be Pacific Reefers or something too. We can even save a domain name with whatever short version name we choose that links to the site.


2. I think it's time to freshen up the website design and possibly the logo. I think we should base the new banners on that. I love what Reef Frontiers just did, and love sites like Nano Reef...

i don't like the new reef frontiers but i don't go there to much any more

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Well still not sure if those customers that I talked to the other day are going to jump on the site. they came in my store the following morning and bought a 46 gallon bow front so we will just wait and see. I offered up some free corals once their tank got setup right and to shoot me a message on the boards when we could meet up. Give them an excuse to jump onto the site now.

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