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In remeberance


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I'm sure that everyone on this site is kinda like me. I don't really know what to say so I haven't said much the 3 times I have looked at this post. i am grateful for all the men and women that helped out in a time of need on this day, and the days that followed in 2001!!! And I am truly grateful for all the men and women that continue to keep this country safe from this from ever happening again. there is still lives being lost every day because of this act and i truly don't think any of us that live in the United States of America will ever forget what happened on this day!!!! I would like to say "God Bless You" to all the family's that have been touched in one way or another by what happened this tragic day in 2001, this includes family's,police, and firefighters that were in NYC as well as all the military that continue to fight for us this day.

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