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OMG-Are you serious..Reefit...


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Are you kidding me..........


Not sure if anyone has ever dealt with Reefit but the guy just is truly amazing-I put together a 40 recently and needed some LR-small pieces nothing fancy. We've discussed trades for some pieces I have but I get a call yesterday as he is "close" to my home-(the dude lives in Vancouver I'm by the airport (South of it 5 miles)).


Anyway he brings the stuff to my house so I can pick through what I need and then when I go to pay him he says "aw don’t worry about it we'll work something out"


The guy has loaned my his band saw for fragging, bought nearly a frag of everything I have posted up and just overall has been great person.


Although he would not take the 20 gallon tank and stand I wanted to give him, but I was able to give him a shroom that was drifting around-(laugh)


Anyway-I'm very appreciative-even though he burst my bubble on a few design flaws I have on my current build-but good to know so I can make some "fine tuning"


Thanks Robert you rock

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