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Is this a joke???


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Not trying to advertise this setup since they retail for around $300 new shipped but they had this same light for $200-250 a few months back... I was even looking to get them before I bought my setup from Clay.


Anyways if you want a few good laughs at the price take a look at this amazing add on Craigslist.(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)


I emailed them again to see if they would entertain realistic prices so we will see what I get back if anything. I really could use a cheap light setup for my parents tank but at those prices I might as well buy new.



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So this was the email I sent to him


Pretty sure you had these online months back for much less as they are new for less than $300. I even tried to contact you a few times and you never got back to me. If you would entertain realistic prices on them let me know. I have a Maristar setup on my main system but I'm looking for another cheaper light system.






And this is what I got back as a reply...



First of all thank you for showing my error in price, I did change it to the original that I asked earlier. You are correct in assuming that I had this for sale earlier. It was sold but the buyer never showed. I do remember you from before and I did attempt to contact you without a response.


If you can find a similar new system with bulbs for less than $300 than you should buy it immediately.


Pretty sure I will "entertain" the idea of not selling this to you. You may be a very nice person but your email reflects differently. I do not care to do business with rude people. You get more flies with honey, chief.


Sure I was kind of giving them a hard time about the price but acting like it was a price error?? Come on..(laugh)

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Like i said ebay has this fixture cheaper and top dog is much nicer too. they got back to me when I e mailed my questions in less than 24 hours, and I have bought many items from top dog. never with a problem. and the fixture had free shipping. and all its legs. hehe..... and a 15k new bulb



Change that. I bought tek lighting from top dog on ebay once. it was suppose to be a 4 bulb fixture and opps they sent me an 8 bulb fixture by mistake. but they said my bad and gave it to me free.. that was last year. and it was a 4 ft fixture. and they threw in the hang kit for free. Just for letting them know the mistake they made. I got it for $189.00... that included 8 bulbs

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