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When: Sunday Sept 26th at 3PM

Where: Guadalajara Grill -3969 Commercial SE (No minimums/gratuity required)



Doug aka 414 Driver, used his connectios to get this place to hold a Meet and Greet. Wanted to get this out ASAP so people can plan/discuss this.


*(yes I know this is the 3rd Sunday of the month which is usually club meeting day. But not knowing if a meeting for Sept. has been arranged we are moving forward with this date as Doug was able to get it.)*




Thoughts comments??

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When: Sunday Sept 19th at 3PM

Where: Guadalajara Grill -3969 Commercial SE (No minimums/gratuity required)



Doug aka 414 Driver, used his connectios to get this place to hold a Meet and Greet. Wanted to get this out ASAP so people can plan/discuss this.


*(yes I know this is the 3rd Sunday of the month which is usually club meeting day. But not knowing if a meeting for Sept. has been arranged we are moving forward with this date as Doug was able to get it.)*




Thoughts comments??



Michael this is when Barelycuda was having the meeting. It was mentioned in the prior thread about the August meeting. It's going to be at the clownhouse and would be a shame for people to miss this one. I cannot go as I will be out of town but if people are in town, I hear great things about Dave's setup and he has expanded.

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Michael this is when Barelycuda was having the meeting. It was mentioned in the prior thread about the August meeting. It's going to be at the clownhouse and would be a shame for people to miss this one. I cannot go as I will be out of town but if people are in town' date=' I hear great things about Dave's setup and he has expanded.[/quote']


Thought Dave was doing a Saturday meeting in October?

Someone please let me know...... so we can do what is needed.


PS- this is why we need a calendar of events posted, so people can plan ahead.

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Thought Dave was doing a Saturday meeting in October?

Someone please let me know...... so we can do what is needed.


PS- this is why we need a calendar of events posted, so people can plan ahead.


Agreed Michael I think a calendar would be helpful. From what I remember Dave was flexible with the scheduling and could move it to Saturday if that worked well for everyone.


Dave you out there?

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Agreed Michael I think a calendar would be helpful. From what I remember Dave was flexible with the scheduling and could move it to Saturday if that worked well for everyone.


Dave you out there?


I sure hope it doesn't change. I scheduled my day specifically to be at the clownhouse meeting. Ice been wanting to see I for a long time. I have to schedule a month in advance for work. Keep the meeting where it is please.


now back to your topic.

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why not just move this meet and greet up a week? Date was set to give as much notice as possible for people to make plans. Not sure if it is an option.


I like the idea of a salem area event...frag swap! Us too! Thats why we are trying to schedule something that will work.



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The clownhouse has always been scheduled for September 19th and has been mentioned in multiple threads. I can not have it on the 18th but would be willing to move it back a week if it works better for people. It has also been mentioned that meetings will always try to be scheduled on the 3rd weekend of the month whether it be on saturday or sunday. It would be a waste to have 2 club functions on the same day.


Let me know what the club wants to do.

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Dave if you have the date scheduled then go with it.


I will ask Doug if things can be changed. We went with this date because it was several weeks out. And since this month was not listed (where I could find it). And not know if it was a Sat. or Sun., this date was picked.


Let me see what Doug can find out......... maybe we can re-schedule or ?.



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Well Dave if you move it back a week then I can go see the famed house of clowns of lore and my attendance should be the only thing that matters...;)


Dave' date=' if you moved the date I would be able to attend also!! But I am leaving it totally up to you![/quote']


You two are killin' me...


I scheduled this out a month ago so I could go see it..


I guess if the date does change I could always just see if I can stop by since he is in Vancouver.


I vote keep the date the same.

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