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Tree Planting Party!


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I have two very tall, my guess is 20 ft, tall trees that need to get planted saturday.


I am offering up Pizza, beer and $20 credit to spend at Isaac's shop when we are done! I will take us all over in the Burb to shop!


I am looking for 4 guys and some shovels to help us out for a couple hours Saturday.


Anyone available and willing to help us out?




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Man I thought you where kidding about that in the other thread. 20 foot maples? them get petty darn big. I don't remember you guys having that much room around the house. I guess I never did see your back yard.


How big are the root balls? and how close are they to where they need to be planted.


I will know in a couple days if I am free.

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Man I thought you where kidding about that in the other thread. 20 foot maples? them get petty darn big. I don't remember you guys having that much room around the house. I guess I never did see your back yard.


How big are the root balls? and how close are they to where they need to be planted.


I will know in a couple days if I am free.


We have lots of room if the city of portland makes up plant them in the parking strip. I am having that huge apricot tree on our west parking strip taken down tomorrow, the trunk is splitting and its 1/2 dead. City of portland wants me to replace it with two 2" caliper trees, I could only find 1 3/4" ones and they are very tall! But they are not wide so that is nice. The root ball is about 2 ft in diameter, although its not a ball its in a pot!


If afternoon is going to work for most I would say 2 pm.



Thanks guys!



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Man I thought you where kidding about that in the other thread. 20 foot maples? them get petty darn big. I don't remember you guys having that much room around the house. I guess I never did see your back yard.


How big are the root balls? and how close are they to where they need to be planted.


I will know in a couple days if I am free.


Would not kid about tree planting...(nono) We are having the apricot tree removed in the front yard because it is dying and has a big crack in it and I really don't want to see it take out the fence.


In order to remove a tree in Portland we are required to get a permit and plant two in its place and then give them all hugs..:D

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I'll be there if you need help.

I'm very bad with plants, just tell me what to do and I will execute :)


Ahh thanks Alex. That's sweet of you...(clap) I don't need you to execute the trees. No need for cousin Vinny to show up. ;) I think it's a matter of digging a hole and holding a tree. Bring the frogspawn too.

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I'll be there if you need help.

I'm very bad with plants, just tell me what to do and I will execute :)


Wahoo... Thanks Alex, thats 2 for sure that can help, with 1 maybe and one still has to see what saturday looks like!


Thanks everyone for helping us out!



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I'd be available in the afternoon, plus I've got a couple shovels:) pm me

If you still need people.




Thanks David that's nice of you. Isaac speaks highly of you.(clap)



Are you serious? except for the hugs part that is.;)


Tis the truth racefan. You cannot simply remove a tree. The hugging part I made up but in order to get permission to remove our dying tree we have to replace it as well as the one that was apparently killed by an unfortunate car accident before we owned the house.(nutty) I can see their point to some extent and would have eventually planted another one. I just hate this long drawn out process.

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