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Negative Vendor Feedback


Negative Vendor Feedback  

  1. 1.

    • A:Allow only positive feedback for members/vendors
    • B:Leave it as it is now (both positive and negative) no ground rules
    • C:For negative do something similar to reef2reef
    • D:Allow positive feedback only but allow rating system like ebay
    • E:None of the above

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I asked Beth to ask the board about putting some new ground rules for posting negative feedback in the member/vendor forum. Now it seems any negative feedback gets filled with drama and the original point is missed. I'm guilty of chiming in as well so I'm not judging. It's just human nature. As much as I like my drama, I also think it is important for members and vendors to get feedback on negative experiences and have a chance to reply. I don't think this needs to apply to positive feedback as everyone loves a lovefest.:D


I saw this on Reef2reef and have seen it used and thought it worked well:

Vendor feedback (Please read before posting in this forum.)


Is there a way to implement these ground rules?


To all R2R members,


The vendor feedback forum is to be used by members giving feedback, and a vendor a chance to explain, defend himself, or solve an issue with a member. Outside comments will not be allowed by people not involved in the issue. This forum is not for rants and raves and venting. Post only facts about transactions. Any outside post from anyone who has nothing to do with the matter will be deleted by moderators.


Thanks R2R Staff.

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I like the idea but do you really think someone is not going to chime in? I know we all want to make everything snowball once it gets started..lol. Do the mods have enough time to do this? Is there a way when you make a thread to only allow two parties to post?


People will still chime in.It's human nature. It happens in reef to reef too even though the ground rules are clearly stated. As members we need to try to follow the rules and remind other people to follow the ground rules and report posts.


I do think this forum would benefit from more mods. I know that was discussed once.


I personally will never post in a negative feed back section unless i have failed attempts at resolving my issue in private means.


I agree. I totally advise trying to work it out privately first. However, I think it is worse to have a member upset with a business and they lose that business and never know why..


How's that Butterfly fish doing by the way...;)

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This is the only forum I follow. Maybe I should be looking at reef 2 reef to see how they run things.


I saw his butterfly the other day and it was picking at his rocks the whole time. Looked happy and healthy to me. I do agree with reefit in the matter of taking it private first. I've had two issues with two different sponsors and they both took care of it properly. I wasn't looking to take it public as long as it was taken care of properly. I'm in retail so I understand that not knowing how our customers feel means we can't fix the problems. That's why so many places have the surveys on their receipts so they can judge their service off of those. The bad thing is that unless you mark those as perfect they count the same as the worst customer service.

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People will still chime in.It's human nature. It happens in reef to reef too even though the ground rules are clearly stated. As members we need to try to follow the rules and remind other people to follow the ground rules and report posts.


I do think this forum would benefit from more mods. I know that was discussed once.




I agree. I totally advise trying to work it out privately first. However, I think it is worse to have a member upset with a business and they lose that business and never know why..


How's that Butterfly fish doing by the way...;)


she's sleeping with the other fishes. the good kind of sleeping. notice its still a she.

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I got to agree w/Reefit


I personally will never post in a negative feed back section unless i have failed attempts at resolving my issue in private means.


I think Robert makes a great point, If you have a beef or are unpleased about something settle it in a private way. As a business owner I think they would appreciate the constructive critsism whether they like it or not its your own personal experiance.



I agree. I totally advise trying to work it out privately first. However, I think it is worse to have a member upset with a business and they lose that business and never know why..



Great point, and in a PM they would get to hear what they needed to hear-Not airing it out so it ends up as they all seem-A bash session




The most recent neg. feedback that was on SWF turned more into a Patrick bashing (as well as other stores) than anything else.

In hindsight I should have stuck up for him more than just posting what I did.


I wont clutter your thread by going off topic so I'll start a new thread but IMO (that I all so often throw out there whether its wanted or not)...



Keep the negative in perspective or don't even post at all, and I am leaning towards not at all.


Isaac said it, Beth in a sense agreed, if you don't have anything nice to say -shut your pie hole....... Or take it off line in the form of a PM


I may have paraphrased slightly


Hey if you take the NorthWest (NW) out of PNWMAS-, you almost have PMS, and recently there is a lot of that going around-(laugh)

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I think Robert makes a great point, If you have a beef or are unpleased about something settle it in a private way. As a business owner I think they would appreciate the constructive critsism whether they like it or not its your own personal experiance.



The most recent neg. feedback that was on SWF turned more into a Patrick bashing (as well as other stores) than anything else.

In hindsight I should have stuck up for him more than just posting what I did.


I wont clutter your thread by going off topic so I'll start a new thread but IMO (that I all so often throw out there whether its wanted or not)...



Keep the negative in perspective or don't even post at all, and I am leaning towards not at all.


Isaac said it, Beth in a sense agreed, if you don't have anything nice to say -shut your pie hole....... Or take it off line in the form of a PM


I may have paraphrased slightly


Beth did not agree with Isaac. She was just saying she too grew up in the era where if you can't say something nice don't say it at all. For her to put something negative was after multiple chances and was not just a flippant remark. In business it can be helpful. I agree the person should have a right to respond in the thread but that is hard to do with everyone jumping on the bandwagon. It can work and I have seen it work when the ground rules are followed and there isn't other people bashing or other people sticking up for the person.


The goal of this feedback is to let the vendor know. Let other people know as well your personal experience. Many people are afraid to say anything and sometimes it is helpful to know things to work on.


I personally find I learn more and improve more when I hear constructive criticism.

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Re: Negative Vendor Feedback


I find it amazing that so many here feel sponsors should have no accountability....can't shop in places that can do and say whatever. So, maybe make a poll out of it, but if the decision is made to have zero neg feedback then I wouldn't count on seeing me in any LFS's....even ebay allows neg.


I know....no major loss with me no longer shopping local....but that way nobody would have to worry about me posting my thoughts on their shop, service, honesty, or lack there of......nor getting any referrals except to websites.


Maybe initial complaint should be made via pm...and if sponsor fails to satisfy then make a thread, quote pm....and response....and go from there. I do believe that only involved parties should be allowed to post and all others will be deleted. But there has to be some accountability....otherwise you give sponsors full run while the members are restricted.


But constructive critisism is just that.....if you can't take it you should reconsider your profession......next we will be disputing over competition and how we should only have one sponsor so it is "fair".


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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I agree with this;


But constructive critisism is just that.....if you can't take it you should reconsider your profession


My point is it does not need to be aired-its opinionated-I read to many nice things about "other stores" in that thread where I had a total oppisite experiance and would not return to said store, but if I was to chime in and trash the other store would be BS and the ole "jump on the band wagon" for the group lynching is more of what it turns into.


I think what I should have mentioned was Beth agreed with Isaac in that she too is from the "if you dont have anything nice to say-shut your pie hole" which is why she seldom posts neg things-I could be wrong but....


And not to mention any names but I know there was one individual that added a little flaming to that fire that had the same store owner drive out a brand new set up (after business hours) and set it up or helped set it up-but that was not reflected in that post, although there was praise initially. We tend to focus on the neg. and not the pos.-coming from me, I know, but I do (IMO) keep it real


Keep it private and if you get nowhere than air your dirty laundry if you want.


And eBay SUCKS only buyers can leave neg feedback not sellers-did I say eBay SUCKS, beacause if I did not let me say eBay SUCKS-there I said it, eBay SUCKS The entity SUCKS not the site

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Im kinda blown away why this is such a big deal. If a person has a negative experience, why is it a big deal to voice it? there is far more positive feedback then negative, but honestly if someone or someplace does something not satisfactory, why not let people know.


In the case that brought all this up it seems a large number of people chimed in and said they agreed. Until it turned into the weekly Ca2or bash, which was the usual people arguing over nothing related to the post. The rest of it was relavent.


I agree, leave other stores out of it, but also everyone needs to stay on the topic and leave all the drama that so many like to create.


Negative feedback has its place and it should not be "looked down upon" if you do. That being said, it should be justified and not just retaliation because your mad at someone. Resolve it if you can, but not, let people know. If the person or store wants to defend themselves, let them. I would think they would want to.


Thats my thoughts, ill go back to my hole now.

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Re: Negative Vendor Feedback


Does this mean I am not going to get my weekly fix of bashing? Ugh....guess I need to start another thread.


Brad, just wanted to say something because you mentioned it. I don't feel I got a bad deal, it has been the experiences since then that don't justify the drive. If I were in the area I would most likely swing by....but wouldn't drive from Beaverton to there....does that make sense?


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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I still think letting the original poster say his/her beef, then the poster closes thier thread. If the vendor or member wants to make a comment, put "re Negative feedback" in the title line of a new post, then say their comment, and then close the thread. A little self moderation so to speak. I also would hate to see the feedback forum not have the option of posting negative feedback. This is an educational site and if you get bad service or something like that at a store, you should share your experience so that the next guy can maybe learn from it, or the store or member who gave you the bad experience can learn from it also

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I don't get it.

This site was set up for the hobbyist reefer, not the sponsors. We, as members control the forum. Not the sponsors.

Open it up. Say what you want. Treat the sponsors as a member. If the sponsors don't like it, then leave. Nice seeing ya! I think a lot will stay. It is a given that a vast majority of non-local businesses would stay.

If they want to continue fine. The cream will rise to the top (and there are a few that will) and the sponsors that don't live up will sink.

It seems like the income generated by the local sponsors has clouded our vision.

As members, WE own this site. We just don't need the income generated by 3-4 local businesses that might leave. We are not for sale, are we?

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What about an overall rating system for each store? I guess the idea I am thinking of would sort of be like Amazon with products, but in this case each member would be allowed one 'vote' per store/sponsor (if possible, vote could be changed if desired). We could do a 1-10 scale, or a 5 star sort of thing, with 5 being 'Loved it,' 3 being 'Neutral,' and 1 being 'Hated it' or something along those lines. This keeps the negative fighting rants to a minimum and makes it so the positive can be seen also. Allow each person to have a single vote per store, and that would be it. If over time the negatives start to flow in, us customers can see for ourselves what we may be able to expect, and if there is a negative, it will not lead to a sponsorship-ending rant thread where random people who have not been there jump in without reason. But if it is just a one-time negative thing, the sponsors reputation will not be crippled, mainly because everyone has bad days here and there.

Just my .02...

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Might be a good idea. I think it's a good idea to be able to comment on a vendor. I feel as though a vendor should take that as constructive feedback. I know on my job sites if I am not doing an up to par or better job I really like it when someone says so. Otherwise I just keep going on being less than adequate.

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Yep, I agree I just feel like there seems to be much more attention on the negative feedback side of things, and less on the positive. This would allow one person one vote, so those of us who do not want to rant for 15 pages to argue/defend anyone will have just as much say if we mark it on the positive side as someone who marks it negative. As a group we do not want to be known for as a bunch of whiny drama queens who bite the hand that feeds so to speak, but then again I think a rating system allows the overall feel for the store to be seen, both positives and negatives without starting headache threads. Also, some people may be too shy to state their opinion and would just rather leave it to their vote in a poll, but this would put their vote up there too. again, just an idea

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Maybe there's a plugin for the board software that would give us a ratings system or the ability to 'like' or 'not like' a feedback thread without posting specific comments that so often spiral downwards into a flamefest. It would allow people to read some feedback and then see what the group thought of it as a whole.

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But constructive critisism is just that.....if you can't take it you should reconsider your profession......next we will be disputing over competition and how we should only have one sponsor so it is "fair".


I agree that people should be able to find value in what others think of their performance. The thread that seemed to touch so much of this off had little, if any, constructive criticism - it was a simple turd lobbing fest.

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I don't get it.

This site was set up for the hobbyist reefer, not the sponsors. We, as members control the forum. Not the sponsors.

Open it up. Say what you want. Treat the sponsors as a member. If the sponsors don't like it, then leave. Nice seeing ya! I think a lot will stay. It is a given that a vast majority of non-local businesses would stay.

If they want to continue fine. The cream will rise to the top (and there are a few that will) and the sponsors that don't live up will sink.

It seems like the income generated by the local sponsors has clouded our vision.

As members, WE own this site. We just don't need the income generated by 3-4 local businesses that might leave. We are not for sale, are we?


Thank you!(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)

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