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Tearing down 55 FOWLR and setting up 40B FOWLR


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The description and diagram on that page does not accurately describe the herbie overflow. (A normal herbie doesn't have a durso or stockman in it but rather is just a drain with a valve) Here is the original Herbie post describing it where Herbie specifically states that he "removed" the durso. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=344892


Thanks Rick for pointing that out, BUT, in my post I just referenced a link that shows several overflow's and made no mention of any thing.

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Thanks Rick for pointing that out' date=' [b']BUT[/b], in my post I just referenced a link that shows several overflow's and made no mention of any thing.


Yes, I understand. If I came across harsh I apologize. Since we have been discussing the herbie specifically I didn't want Josh to get confused and think it was more complicated since that link says it uses a durso or stockman.

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So I got the overflow in, the stand done, not perfect but whos gonna look at it besides me.


Here is a pic of the tank and stand(note my nifty new overflow custom built by Wannareef.



Heres my mock up on the plumbing.



Not sure about the return or not. Since its a submersible pump I had just planned on running some tubing to the pvc there. May have to upgrade the pump a bit later.


Still got some work to do, but maybe get water in it soon.

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Well I got the 55 torn down today. Moved my fish into a 20 long. Not to happy with me. Not sure if my diamond gobie is gonna be ok. Hes pretty stressed.



Gonna haft to find a new home for my puffer. Dont think the 40 is gonna be big enough, hes a tad pissed too.


Got the plumbing done(minus the return spouts). Used some sand out of the 55 for my fuge sand.





Got my live rock sitting in a 29 until I get the water done mixing.



Gonna have some stuff to sale once I get it all cleaned up.

Couple of HOB over flows, remora skimmer, 55 gallon with stand and canopy, and a sump/ wet dry.


Not sure about my niger trigger. Im thinking a 40 might be a bit small for him. Thought about puting in my 180, but not sure how he would get along with the bluethroats and the tangs.

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Well I got it up and running today. No malfunctions yet(scary).





Display and aquascaping



Sump and fuge



Herbie working quietly. Very impressed, thanks for all the input folks.



Got some ghetto homemade flow returns until I get some actual ones.


Shouldnt have a cycle so Ill test the water the next couple days before I move my fish back over.


What do you think folks?

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Looks AWESOME!(clap) Keep the pics comming, I am really liking the overflow and plumbing you did. Can you maybe go into detail on how your overflow plumbing was made and how your liking it? I am trying to get ideas on how I should do mine and yours looks really nice.


The Durso looking one on the left is the backup correct? and the one on the right is the main? I see you have a ball valve on the main but not on the back up, is the main supposed to be open and the durso looking one restricted? Or am I confused...(scratch) So basically you put a ball valve on the main to control the water lever in the overflow, and left the emergency back up open.


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Thanks, I will post a few more pics in a bit.


The durso is the back up yes. I didnt put a valve on it mostly cause I didnt have one laying around and it would of made a much tighter fit. The herbie is all but silent, I have not even messed with the valve yet to see if it can get quieter(not sure how, so Ihave not messed with it.) The drains are 1 inch and the return is 3/4. Pretty much what you see is what you get. Im not a great plumbing guy, and I need visuals, so I pretty much took all the links that other posted in this thread and looked them over and went with it.


If I missed anything or confused you more let me know. My head hurts after setting this one up.


Picked up some skunk clowns today From Rose City(wife has wanted a pair for a long time). One of my RBTA's split yesterday, So I took one of the older ones and have it acclimated with the clowns. Post some pics up ina bit.

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So I think my FOWLR tank is gonna turn into a non aggressive reef tank. Not really big enough for FOWLR fish. Got to get rid of the niger trigger, already got rid of the puffer. Leaves me with a lone skunk clown, sailfin blenny and a diamond gobie. Pretty mild eh?

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....is the main supposed to be open and the durso looking one restricted? Or am I confused...(scratch) So basically you put a ball valve on the main to control the water lever in the overflow, and left the emergency back up open.

The backup should be wide open with no restriction. Normally it will never have any water flowing through but if it does you want to be sure nothing restricts it.

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So here are a few updated pictures.


Got a algae bloom happening. But I finally just got my skimmer hooked up. Thank you Robert(reefit) for the skimmer, only took a few minutes for it to start working well.



Tank shot



My sailfin blenny that Saltfinsax gave me a while ago. He has adjusted well.



My other inhabitant is a diamond gobie that is in hiding and aggitated to say the least. He got picked on pretty good by the trigger while they were in the temp tank.


Also found a monster nassarius snail that hitchhiked in there from somewhere. Odd since I have never bought one of the big ones, so either one of mine grew or who knows. My loan CUC right now. Probably go pick up some more crabs and snails this weekend.


I lost my skunk clowns we picked up last week to brook.


Just want to say thanks to all that helped me out. Rick for coming over and giving me some tips, Wannareef for the overflow, Reefit for the skimmer and everyone else for good advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the light up, that reflector puts out a lot of light. Gonna have to figure something out for antics. The chain its hanging from is tempory, i managed to misplace the stuff I bought for it so I made do with what I had.





got my new pair of skunk clowns. they took all of about 5 minutes to find the RBTA. I moved the rock down a bit and they didnt even leave it when I moved it. Hope they do better than the last pair.




Also picked up a cleaner shrimp since RC had such a good deal on them. And some snails.


Just some tweaking to do and will defiantly switch out the 10k bulb with a 14k next time I buy bulbs.

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Well I seem to have a bristle worm invasion going on. Every time I move something I find bristle worms, I can see them out in the open all the time in the fuge as well. Found this guy today, about 3 inches long.




Seems my RBTA either didnt like the light or did. That or the skunks irritated it. Split twice last night, so I have 3 in each tank now. Anyone have good ideas for coaxing them off rocks? Need to unload a couple.



And lastly, went to Seahorse today and Woody had a pretty awesome shipment of Hawaiian fish in. Couple I have never actually seen in a store before. Against my better judgment and the fact that we lost our family favorite cubicus a while back I got a very small female Spotted boxfish(Ostracion meleagris). Woody had a bunch of males and females. If I come across a small male I will more then likely pick one up. Says "reef safe" with caution. Since I dont have much in there yet I will have to see how she does. Biggest concern is the toxin they can secrete if over stressed or dying. But its rare. This could be the cutest fish I have seen, about 1-1.5".

Sorry lousy pic.


Already a healthy eater and a bit of a spaz. About 100 times faster then my cubicus was.

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That one was in direct line of the return until yesterday. I will give it a try, wait for them to heal up a bit.


If anyone has a spare used 14k 250watt laying around let me know, I can swap you for a used 10k or a frag or maybe some cash if some of my frags sell.

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Dangit' date=' The fixture uses a SE, I was going to say, I have quite a few 250w DE bulbs both 14k and 20k, but that won't work for you...[/quote']


That makes 2 of us....I have 2 Pheonix 14k's and 1 SPS 15k just sitting along with 4 65 PC actinic bulbs....

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  • 2 months later...

Well a few things have changed, I was tempted to tear it down but thought against it. So I took some rock out to get some better flow, through all my dying or dead sps in there, so its kind of a craveyard right now.


My RBTA split like 3 times so I have 4 small ones. My skunk clowns are pretty happy and get lots of use out of them. Aside from them the only other inhabitants are a cleaner shrimp, a few crabs and a billion bristle worms.





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