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Outing Your Inner Nerd Contest!


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There are a couple of us that have a certain amount of Nerd in us. If it is "nature or nurture" is beside the point. The fact it is that it is there as much as our DNA and the sooner we embrace our nerdiness the sooner we can heal ourselves.


My proposal is that the person that is voted the "Grand Nerd Poo bah Of Upper B...crack" is awarded a nice large aqua Paly and we all can get the evil nerd monkey off our backs, albeit shortly, because you can run from Nerd but the harder you run the closer it gets!


I think the votes can be based upon how truly embarrassing it is to admit and how much it makes you physically cringe. It is one thing to be a Star Trek fan and maybe have a pin or two (Intelligence Officer, LMAO). It is another to spend hours studying (and better yet) arguing about the correct dialects of the Klingon language and have dinner parties that attempt to emulate the Klingon diet!


Playing D&D as a kid for a few hours isn't too bad. Doing as an adult and doing it for years puts it into another realm. And if your doing it now and are upset that I insulted you and you are going to register your personal disgust by sending a heated PM. Please do! It may give you that "I did not know that about myself" (R. White) moment.


Working on software is nerdy but in a Bill Gates way and does not qualify. It must have little or no useful application and be a waste of your precious time on earth!


To get things started here is a sample:


When I first saw "The Big Lebowski" (before it was a cult film. Getting nerdier!). I started going around quoting "The Dude". "My name is Frank: or Franklin, if your not into the whole brevity thing." "I can get you a toe, Dude", "Don't f with the Jesus", "I'll be right back just let me just go down to the cash machine". The nice part was that it made little difference that I was understood or not. I just selfishly relished in my Zen- like nerdness.


Contest will run for 4 days: Voting will be done by quarter finals, etc. if need be. Remember the more personally painful the better!

Free your Nerd!


It is also very acceptable to "out" your "friends"!

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Only counts if you did it with instant creamer like at Maude's art studio. Hell, I may win!

Came VERY close to getting a "Jews for Jesus" T shirt with a picture of Turtarro licking a bowling ball. Saw a couple with " Urban Achievers" shirt on and introduced myself.

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i know a guy that drives a 90's muscle car wearing a tye dye shirt' date=' birkenstocks and a fishing hat. Does he qualify?[/quote']


Likely as much as someone that finds a relationship between electricity and sexual identity.(whistle)

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I just leveled up to a level 24 Paladin last weekend. My name is Ranald. I can quote verbatim All of the Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings movies. I also consider myself a Goonie. I dress up like Link on Halloween, have 3 pocket protectors in 3 different colors. I wear highwater pants, green, birthcontrol glasses and can use my slide rule faster than you can use your calculator. I have tried the newer game formats for my D&D but much prefer the old way of playing.

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Hmmm, lets see. I am usually such a shy and quiet person, but I REALLY could not pass this up….What can I say, I embrace my inner Nerd.


I have every Nintendo system every manufactured. I have an Atari 2600 “Vader” edition, still in the box along with over 200 games, I also know the rarity level of most of them. I had a TOMY Omnibot 2000 as a child that my father went all “Tim the Tool Man Taylor” on and made it do some crazy cool stuff.


That’s just my roots…


I was, until very recently, a 10/25 man raid leader for my guild that I was Co-GM of. I have 3 level 80’s, including what was one of my servers best Discipline Priests. I collected vanity pets and mounts…. I still am trying to break the habit of WoW speak. As I type this I have had to change my wording more than once cause I still try to emote on occasion. I will still answer when called by characters name. I really could go on forever…


Did I mention I am a Mother of three in my 20’s?


/win ;)

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I know programing was listed as not nerdy however the first programming I did was back around 1981 using a Trash 80 (Radio Shack TRS 80) that had a whopping 4k of ram. The operating system was loaded onto it each time it was started using a cassette player. To use the modem you put the phone receiver on the modem and then dialed the number. While that may not seem very nerdy now it most definately did back then. On the subject of Atari my first game system was pong which predates Atari by a few years. It had 2 games on it. To change the games you flipped a switch on it. And how many of you have calculator watches on your wrist?

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What if you think all of the above is just normal?


You are well on your way, grasshopper!


I just leveled up to a level 24 Paladin last weekend. My name is Ranald. I can quote verbatim All of the Star Wars' date=' Star Trek and Lord of the Rings movies. I also consider myself a Goonie. I dress up like Link on Halloween, have 3 pocket protectors in 3 different colors. I wear highwater pants, green, birthcontrol glasses and can use my slide rule faster than you can use your calculator. I have tried the newer game formats for my D&D but much prefer the old way of playing.[/quote']


Yeah, Bob. I loved it when Obi-Wan found the one true ring and cursed Valdemort! I got this strange creepy feeling that you are not BS'ing! All that and leaving presents at the LFS. You are epic and a legend in your fantasy.


Hmmm, lets see. I am usually such a shy and quiet person, but I REALLY could not pass this up….What can I say, I embrace my inner Nerd.


I have every Nintendo system every manufactured. I have an Atari 2600 “Vader” edition, still in the box along with over 200 games, I also know the rarity level of most of them. I had a TOMY Omnibot 2000 as a child that my father went all “Tim the Tool Man Taylor” on and made it do some crazy cool stuff.


That’s just my roots…


I was, until very recently, a 10/25 man raid leader for my guild that I was Co-GM of. I have 3 level 80’s, including what was one of my servers best Discipline Priests. I collected vanity pets and mounts…. I still am trying to break the habit of WoW speak. As I type this I have had to change my wording more than once cause I still try to emote on occasion. I will still answer when called by characters name. I really could go on forever…


Did I mention I am a Mother of three in my 20’s?


/win ;)


You really came out of your shell! Now it's time to go back.


No, that a very impressive real history! You must have like a 100 Boy nerds after you that have only a minuscule of ever being with anything other than an imaginary woman!

Good going!


Not to get off-topic but....Other than the '96-'99 Mustang Cobras (rock2) what other car built in the 90's qualifies as a 90's muscle car?


Well documented some bone stock Firebird and Camaro LS1's doing very high 12's. Wanna try that with a stock '96 Rustang?

disclaimer: I owned a 91 5.0 non-fastback that spanked a number of '60 muscleheads.



I know programing was listed as not nerdy however the first programming I did was back around 1981 using a Trash 80 (Radio Shack TRS 80) that had a whopping 4k of ram. The operating system was loaded onto it each time it was started using a cassette player. To use the modem you put the phone receiver on the modem and then dialed the number. While that may not seem very nerdy now it most definately did back then. On the subject of Atari my first game system was pong which predates Atari by a few years. It had 2 games on it. To change the games you flipped a switch on it. And how many of you have calculator watches on your wrist?


Again, if it was a not done for profit and just useless giggles you are on task! The thing that pushes it over the top is the calculator watch. That is sublime, Rick. You are a full member with honors!


Remember you don't have to be smart. You just have to have a silly obsession! I know that stretches the definition of Nerd, but I need a way to play!

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Well my wife calls me a geek quite a bit, not sure if that qualifies.


I have a star wars collection that up till about 7 years ago(strange, same time I had kids) was borderling OCD. I still have tons of rubbermaid totes full of carded star wars figures, vehicles, you name it. Why? I dont know.


I read sci fi some what obcessively. I have read Frank herberts Dune series(all 6 of his) at least 4 times. Not to mention read all of his sons prequels, in betweens. I have read almost every star wars series. Huge Orson Scott Card fan. Read the Ender series numerous times. And I have read Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard, more times than I can remember. My wife doesnt understand how I can re read a book.


And then theres my PC gaming. I really dont know how, but somehow I have over 440 hours logged into ModernWarfare 2. I dont even know how that is possible. I am pretty much self taught on computers(not sure if thats a good thing or bad), about 9 years ago I got my first and have since build mulitple PC's for myself, friends and family.


So im not sure if I qualify or not, but my wife thinks I am a geek.(wife)


Oh and theres these weird gigantic glass things that holds water and fish all over my house, again the wife thinks im crazy. But then again, she scrapbooks and I dont get that.(nutty)

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I read sci fi some what obcessively. ..........


Then you've probably read a few RAH books. (I have one sitting next to me now that I'm reading for the third or fourth time) If not you probably at least know who it is. FWIW, There might be a few people with more RAH books than what I have however there are not going to be many. I haven't been able to find any that I don't have for about 5 years now (still have 3 or 4 I haven't been able to find). Larry Niven spins a decent SF too.

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Again, if it was a not done for profit and just useless giggles you are on task! The thing that pushes it over the top is the calculator watch. That is sublime, Rick. You are a full member with honors!


Remember you don't have to be smart. .......


At that time it wasn't for profit. I forgot about the Timex Sinclair 1000 I had also. I waited in line the day it was released with a few hundred people at one of the stores in Jantzen Beach (back when it was a hopping place). The first 20 customers or some such got it for $99.99. I was number five.


Speaking of smarts, How many of you have thought of joining Mensa, or are Mensa members?

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Then you've probably read a few RAH books. (I have one sitting next to me now that I'm reading for the third or fourth time) If not you probably at least know who it is. FWIW' date=' There might be a few people with more RAH books than what I have however there are not going to be many. I haven't been able to find any that I don't have for about 5 years now (still have 3 or 4 I haven't been able to find). Larry Niven spins a decent SF too.[/quote']


I've read them all I believe. Been reading Stirling "Meeting At Corvallis", etc. Alternative history. Card is way to Ayn Rand simplistic for me.


Come on Nerds! Worship with your Brethren at the Altar Of Wasted Lives!

Join in with your stories of Sin and how no one really understands us (and they will regret it one day)!

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I've read them all I believe. Been reading Stirling "Meeting At Corvallis", etc. Alternative history. Card is way to Ayn Rand simplistic for me.


Come on Nerds! Worship with your Brethren at the Altar Of Wasted Lives!

Join in with your stories of Sin and how no one really understands us (and they will regret it one day)!


Thats funny, Im reading "dies the fire" right now, the first book in stirlings series. You cant knock the ender series or the Shadow series for that matter. I just read Cards "empire" and thought it was great, couldnt stop reading it. Not really Sci fi, but great.

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At that time it wasn't for profit. I forgot about the Timex Sinclair 1000 I had also. I waited in line the day it was released with a few hundred people at one of the stores in Jantzen Beach (back when it was a hopping place). The first 20 customers or some such got it for $99.99. I was number five.


Speaking of smarts, How many of you have thought of joining Mensa, or are Mensa members?


My first computer was a Coleco ADAM!! How many of you remember that one? I also used to write G Code programming for CNC machines (both mill and lathe) back in the late 70's - WAAAAY before cad/cam was around. Does that qualify me as nerdy?

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Thats funny' date=' Im reading "dies the fire" right now, the first book in stirlings series. You cant knock the ender series or the Shadow series for that matter. I just read Cards "empire" and thought it was great, couldnt stop reading it. Not really Sci fi, but great.[/quote']


If you decide that you like Stirling I can send you the rest of the series. LMK.

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My first computer was a Coleco ADAM!! How many of you remember that one? I also used to write G Code programming for CNC machines (both mill and lathe) back in the late 70's - WAAAAY before cad/cam was around. Does that qualify me as nerdy?


As I recall that's the same code we used on the CNC milling machine we had when I was in high school.

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I have an aquarium with fish and corals and I go to some meetings that our club organize so I can meet other nerds like me.


Oh you do yourself such a disservice, Alessandro. You have so much more potential. My "Nerdar" was pinging on you like JFK air traffic control.


I ordered this t-shirt. KISS TROOPERS. Does that count????








That's the Right Stuff, Jay!

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