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Tour De Tanks?


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Hopefully this isn't out of line, but I was wondering if local meet-ups were ever discussed? I know we have monthly meetings for PNWMAS, but I thought it would be cool for people in the same area (Portland, in my case) to meet up and maybe check out other member's tanks?

This wouldn't replace the monthly meetings, but perhaps supplement them? Maybe have 2 or 3 people volunteer to show off/discuss their tank setups every month and other people could give feedback/suggestions/comments/drooling jealousy/etc.

I also see this making "Help! I have a mouse stuck in my overflow" posts a lot easier to deal with since people will know how tanks are set up, and won't have to rely on (sometimes blurry) pictures.


Thoughts? Comments? People with flaming pitchforks ready to ride me out of town on a rail?

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Actually, local meet and greets are encouraged and since you volenteered......when's the one at your house?:D




Emerald525 You're in my area of town thanks for volunteering Let me know what day you were thinking!


I actually took 3 weeks off starting next Monday so..I wouldn't mind to be honest.


It's not nearly impressive as a lot of the tanks on here though.


I'd also need to clean up the "fishroom" in the basement too... (whistle)

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I actually took 3 weeks off starting next Monday so..I wouldn't mind to be honest.


It's not nearly impressive as a lot of the tanks on here though.


I'd also need to clean up the "fishroom" in the basement too... (whistle)


So Monday it is!!!


I have Monday off as well and most of the LFS are closed so what else do we have to do....(whistle)


Ok well I might not be able to join in the festivities but I think this is a great idea!

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LOL. It's organizing ferrets! There is always one that needs to get a pedicure on that day. Best case is to get a date and time that 95% agree upon.

Also, it is best to keep it to two or three tanks. At least one experienced and one newbie, IMHO.

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LOL. It's organizing ferrets! There is always one that needs to get a pedicure on that day. Best case is to get a date and time that 95% agree upon.

Also, it is best to keep it to two or three tanks. At least one experienced and one newbie, IMHO.


I say just pick out a date that works for ME and the rest of you can change your schedules to fit mine!(laugh)

Sunday Aug 8th at 2pm work?;)

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Re: Tour De Tanks?


LOL. It's organizing ferrets! There is always one that needs to get a pedicure on that day. Best case is to get a date and time that 95% agree upon.

Also, it is best to keep it to two or three tanks. At least one experienced and one newbie, IMHO.



Agreed. Calvin is always a good experienced place to start

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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Wow ok...glad people are onboard.


I guess I just need to know who is interested and what day/time works...

I'm pretty open for the most part, just have a bunch of visitors coming to town the 19th-24th or so, I forget the exact dates...


Sunday may not be do-able for me..I kinda feel like I promised the wife I'd do something, but damned if I can remember what right now...


Who else is down?

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