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Saying "Im the new guy" in the intro forum is kinda redundant, eh?


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So obviously, I am new here. I have been involved in the hobby for quite some time now. My first tank was set up about 3 years ago, but had to be taken down in a hurry, as the owners of the house we were renting were in bad shape, and we essentially had to move on on a very limited time-scale. Tried to transfer everything over in a matter of days and naturally...that didn't go over too well and I lost everything but my live rock. So I took a break for a while, and now have a spiffy 100 gallon tank in the house that I own, which makes for a much nicer setup (Yay for being able to drill holes in the walls!).

I spent some time on RC, but got bored of the middle school clique mindset that seems to be running rampant over there. (No offense to anyone who is still an RC fan...just not my thing.)

I was recently trying to find a decent, local dry goods store, which is how I found out about PNWMAS (Oh how I wish I found you sooner). I'm still looking for a good LFS though...I'm located in SE Portland, so what do you guys suggest? (Is it ok that I'm asking about this? I know theres been a lot of issues with vendors lately...I apologize if I'm breaking some rules)


And as a pre-emptive strike to the impending "Whats up with your username?" question...basically, waaay back in the pre-internet days, any computer geek with a modem (like me) wanted to be a hacker and sound "leet". I figured ToxicPoison was a good way to go, and so it stuck. I tried making board-specific usernames once I got past my script-kiddie phase but always seemed to forget em.


So I guess that's about it. Tank specs are in my signature for the most part, though I feel I'm forgetting some things. I'm at work right now and don't have access to pictures, but I'll try and get some up soon. Theres not much to show anyways, I currently only have 1 acro, and a clean-up crew...


Any questions, feel free to ask. Hopefully that wasn't too long-winded ;)

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Welcome! You are smack dab in the middle of some GREAT shops. From the south headed north ( please chime in as I know I will forget some) Garretts Premium Aquarium,Upscales,Rose City,Seahorse,Fantaseas,Davy Jones locker,West Side, Oceans in a box and a few others that are not sponsors here on the forum.


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Welcome to the forum toxic! LOL! I was wondering what your screen name was about thanks for the preemptive strike.


I too am in SE Portland. Nearby we have Isaac The Coral Mafia. Nice corals and great guy store hours are by appointment only.


Nick at Rosecity is just down the road too.

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Glad you found the board. Don't forget that everyone on here is a potential trade, buy or sell for you. You are not limited to just shops.


Depends on where in SE you are, but I would try to find Nano reef on Stark west of I205, and Saltwater Fantaseas on Sandy to the east of I205. Rose City on Powell somewhere in the 30th or 40th block is also not a shop to miss. Also The Coral Mafia is a great place, Isaac has some awesome corals at good prices. If you are into high end corals, don't miss Ocean in a Box in Vancouver. Perry has some great ebay auctions about every other week, and now he just opened up his store to the public.


Those are all sponsors, but there are some that are not sponsors as well.



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Holy Crow!

This was a much more enthusiastic welcome than I was expecting. Awesome!


I live in Brooklyn by the Ross Island bridge, so it's nice to know I have some neighbors!


Reefit: Actually, this name was originally for a BBS system so we were limited to 11 characters, and only letters so..originally it was TxcPoison, I couldn't be that l33t if I tried...(Yay! I'm a nerd!)


Ok, time to poke around here a bit more! Talk to you all soon

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Holy Crow!

This was a much more enthusiastic welcome than I was expecting. Awesome!


I live in Brooklyn by the Ross Island bridge, so it's nice to know I have some neighbors!


Reefit: Actually, this name was originally for a BBS system so we were limited to 11 characters, and only letters so..originally it was TxcPoison, I couldn't be that l33t if I tried...(Yay! I'm a nerd!)


Ok, time to poke around here a bit more! Talk to you all soon


LOL, yah been there done that. BBS systems were so cool. i remember upgrading my 2400 baud external modem to a 9600 thinking holy crap this is gonna scream. And only the rich kids had compression.

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Rep for joining as a paid member right away!

We are on the same page as to RC. We show a lot more respect around here. We can bicker on occasion but I think it means a lot more when you can visit other tanks in the area.

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I can't believe you all aren't hounding him for pics!


Let's see some pics! Even if it is an empty tank, the masses here will not be satisfied without pictures! No excuses!


Yeh, I was pretty shocked no one was hounding me for pics either. I thought maybe I could sneak my tank thread in before anyone asked but guess you guys are too quick!


My tank thread is here:



Hope its OK to link to another post...

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