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Starting the Tear Down


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Our next phase in remodeling will be the kitchen and family room so the tank has to come down. I have been preparing a holding system in the garage and collected water from the main tank. This is also kind of a prototype for the new tank, trying the overflow, pump system, Lighting and some other ideas I want for the new system

So far the corals seem fine, polyps open back up within minutes, The tank has been running for about ten days with rock,sand and mostly the water from the 180 thru large water changes






Tomorrow I'll start with some bigger base rock so I can start stacking some of the corals attached to bigger pieces. By sunday I hope to be ready start draining the main tank and moving the fish


Here are some more of the temp system, will be about six weeks if things go well





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Its an external weir type with the Herbie/Beananimal drain. i am going to use a reeflo Super Dart Gold with a manifold to run everything, returns, skimmer, chiller, No other pumps/powerheads except of course the Vortech

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Steve, I have 4 of your home brew corals at the ready. Let me know when you need em back.


I would be happy to take a few more adoptions...if need be.






If you need help, holler. I have a couple tanks that can hold corals if need be.

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What size tank is that one steve?


48"x36"x24"h, Envision built the shell and I did the overflow, I wont do that again I'll let him do it all, too nerve racking but it did turn out nice


Whats the deal on that lightbox? looks kewl


I built the aluminum frame for six T5's and two MH then decided to box it in for looks. Its white diffuser panels but will fit anything 1/4"


Looks great, you amaze me with your temp/experiment work. I will be watching this for sure.


Thanks, I know I go a little over the top but this will be my last tank and I really want to get it right, already found things I'll do different




That's a nice set up for a holding tank.


Yes Thanks, I'm very comfortable that my corals and fish will survive this ordeal,I've been working on this setup for about a month. The move back will be a little different with new water, rock, etc, We'll see

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Wow! Big changes.


What will your new system be?


72"x36"x24h 3/4" Acrylic


Love the design of the light's' date=' it looks great![/quote']


Thanks, here is the light, its complete now. Looks decieving but the spread of the MH is fine, there is actually more to the sides than right under. The T5's are 6" off the water and the MH 11"





Steve, if you going with T5's and MH for the new setup what wattage and how many are you going with?


I'm going try them out and see how they do, The plan is 6-60" 80w probably go with Actinic,Aqua Blue and daylight 6500k and the MH

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Loving that light Steve. That will be plenty...and the T5's will give you awesome color spread. Are you going with 10k MH?


Looks like you have a few good spots for some air flow up top...


Who did the metal work for you? I am trying to work up something similar for a cube tank hanging light...I gotta stop by soon and see this baby in person.

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Loving that light Steve. That will be plenty...and the T5's will give you awesome color spread. Are you going with 10k MH?


Looks like you have a few good spots for some air flow up top...


Who did the metal work for you? I am trying to work up something similar for a cube tank hanging light...I gotta stop by soon and see this baby in person.


Right now I'm liking the 12k's the color mix with the T5's is amazing so depending on how the corals do in the next six weeks thats how i will go


I made the fixture, The aluminum is from Home Depot, Stop by, Let me know

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What ya gonna do with the temp tank once you're done with it?


Funny you should ask I was just working on that:


This complete system is FOR SALE and will be available late August/September. Serious inquiries PM me for details





48”x30”x24”h x ½” Envision Tank- New

External Weir type overflows with Herbie/Bean Animal drain

Reeflo Dart w/manifold return system

Two ½” seaswirls

¾” Scwd wavemaker

¼ hp chiller

30 gal sump

Two 400w heaters

Marine life Calcium Reactor

Euro reef Protein Skimmer


Six 46” T5’s on DIY aluminum rack

Three Workhorse 5 ballast (three separate plugs)

175 or 400w MH with PFO ballast

Two Sunlift light hangers


AquaJR Controller with Ph, Temp and two Direct 8 boxes


I’m sure there is more, as I install it or remember I’ll add it on.


This is all equipment I have collected over time, It is clean and in good working condition.

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So everything went well, everyone seems happy and courious about their new home. Corals and fish all adapted well except for one cleaner Shrimp:(, Oh well not bad though!. Had lots of help from Wegotjs (Jon) and my son Chris. Took me all day today to clean all the equipment and at least get the tank and stand a little ready for Tim from Westside to pick it up...Thanks Tim!!








Clown is Happy :D




Wow, She is getting BIG




The only place for the Tubinaria is in the sump...16"x16" and almost touching the sides



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