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Cleaning CPR Overflow?


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Anyone got an ingenious way of cleaning a continous overflow (like CPR). I've got algae stuck in there dispite the gutter guard. Some kind of a snake? Toilet auger just won't fit.

I will never have another non-drilled tank!!!!!!!

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I have one... got algae in mine too, despite the gutter guard. I clean the areas I can get to with a toothbrush. The others I just leave alone. Wonder if pipe cleaners would work.


And I will NEVER have another non drilled tank either! My little tube that goes to the air pump got clogged with algae and if I had not been in the tank that particular day I would have had a mess everywhere as the overflow lost its suction and the tank almost overflowed on the floor! SCARY!! What if I had not been home?? And worse yet, what if I hadn't bought that anemone and put it in the tank that day?!?!? I wouldn't have noticed until it was toooooo late!

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