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Help me build a sump!


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+1 on the cheato and Lrock in the 2nd chamber. You don't want it in the first with the skimmer in case it gets sucked into the intake pump for the skimmer and if its with the Lrock you use a smaller light over one chamber. If I recall, the back of your tank is blue and I am assuming that the sump would be somewhat flush with the back of the top of the tank? I have a hang on back fuge and a clear tank back. I painted the outside of the fuge black(similar to your blue back tank) and laid a small freshwater light ontop of the fuge over the macro section. I have a Home Depot 5500k spiral grow bulb screwed into the socket( had to bend it down a little to clear the shroud) and the housing sits flush with the top of the fuge. Almost no light comes into the tank from the top. Reverse light timer, doubled up with the sump light and ......whalla! Pm me your ph# and I'll txt you a pic

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I did it!!


And I hope so far I'm not going to kill anything off in the tank. I got some live rock rubble and replaced everything in the second chamber. I still need to get the cheato and since I might be tearing down my son's 10 gallon freshwater I might be able to snag the light from that so I can do cheato in the sump as well. I put some carbon in on top of the live rock with a grate between the two so i can help clear up the tank. I'm sure my nitrates will go up like crazy after this so I plan on doing a water change in the next day again even though I just did one yesterday. Only time will tell I guess.

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i have cheato in my fuge your welcome to have some. but i'm not sure i'd even bother with cheato if its only in a small chamber. cheato is supposed to be free floating and tumbled with room to grow. i'd think a prefilter and as much live rock would serve a better purpose than a handfull of cheato. JMHO.

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Alright everything seems to be happy in the tank for the most part but I think I'm going to build a stand for this tank..


So any suggestions as to how tall/long/deep the stand should be for my 75 gallon tank?


Also once the stand is built I will need someone to help out on drilling the tank or at least showing me where to do it. I'm not worried about breaking the tank since it's acrylic but I want to make sure I'm drilling it in the right spots.

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