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How often do you do water changes?


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I am a reformed water change addict. At one point I was doing a 50% change twice a week (got free research grade ocean water).


I then went to 50% once a week.


Next was 50% every two weeks.


After I got the tanks balanced I never noticed a difference after cutting back the changes so I slowed. Then I learned of carbon dosing . . .


My planted tank had 3 water changes in 2 years, all of them were associated with flat worm dips.


Before I moved in April it had been 6 months for my 65g reef.


Now that I have a 125g reef plumbed into a 65g planted tank, I don't know if I will be doing water changes or not. So far so good, it's been about 6 weeks without any. My corals are doing better then ever, but the alage is not so good right now.



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I do a 30% water change about once a month. I don't need to do it for nitrates or phosphates, but I figure it replenishes the trace elements, and also reduces any other bad stuff that may be accumulating. I have some leathers that I know emit at least some toxins.

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