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Unknown Chalice Coral?


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The person I have watching the tank knows a little about them. I'm going to have some water setup for her as well so in case she needs to do a water change she can. Plus I'm going to do a water change on Saturday to help with any issues that could arise.

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all good stuff. You may also want to have some fresh carbon ready to go, just in case the unthinkable happens.


When I have people watch my tank, I have them check two things; temp(2-3 times per day) and water level. Also, you have all of us on here to help, in case of an unforseen problem... while you are squandering your hard earned cash on those blackjack tables(laugh).


i always told mandalay's management that they could pay me in frags or fish.


2-things to check out in vegas if you havent already...Mandalay Bay aquarium and hotel - they have multiple huge aquariums on site, though they are not brave or skilled enough to keep coral...




The forum shops mall. There is a super cool aquarium that houses hundreds of species of marine fish at the end of the mall. They make you walk past all those designer stores to get there, but it's worth it.

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Carbon is already on the top of the list.


I haven't been to the mandalay bay aquarium but have been to the forum shops at ceasars plenty of times, and yes the tank at the end is impresive. I was hoping there was some sort of huge aquarium down there off the strip even to go to but so far I haven't really seen anything online about one.


If you see me online that means I have a big question next week as my wife would not be too happy if I was on vacation and more worried about my tank than the time we were having away from the kids....lol

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kewl chalice...I would place near the bottom of the tank, medium flow, with plenty of distance between it and any other corals...that one will have some nice tentacles. You will also be able to target feed at night when the tentacles come out, but it really isn't necessary.

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