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Kilmca 400g Tank Pics


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Well I had yet another opportunity to see and take pictures of Calvin's tank again yesterday. If anyone hasn't seen it yet then your missing...... Well, I'll just let the pictures show you what I mean. Comments are welcome.
















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Really growing, filling in everywhere, some of those corals are insane!. Calvin I think you got it with that Flower Pot, never seen one survive like that much less grow that thing is amazing!


Rick, still have to have you over for a camera lesson :D

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WOW!! Awsome...Fantastic Pics! Now your going to have to go back and take some pics of the new fish he said he was getting...(naughty)

He was suppose to have it already (sad). I'm going to have to check it out when he does get it. (With the prices of them I'll probably only get to see them in other tanks)


Very nice, as always Calvin.


Rick, that lens is amazing!!! Being able to take one shot of the whole 10 foot tank is awesome, but being able to still see detail in the image is what makes it so cool.



I thought I would be able to get it all but I wasn't positive. I still had another 6" or so I could have added on each side. All of the other pics I took in the past had to be at an angle. (That tank stretches forever)(drooler)




Rick, still have to have you over for a camera lesson :D

I almost called you a couple of times when I was going to be close. I would have yesterday but it was late in the day and I had to run down to Fry's. I might be able to swing by tomorrow evening but I'm not certain. If I can I'll call you.
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Hows the clown tangs temperament? Was thinking of either a clown or a sohal in the new 12 footer but I have heard more than one horror stories of bad temper.


I can not speak for Calvin.

BUT- mine is a PITA!! It all started when he hit about the 4-5" mark! I love the fish he is gorgeous, fat, and healthy!! But there is a 'vibe' in the tank that I do not like. All the fish are afraid of the Clown Tang. Or they atleast do not like the Fast swimming/flahing motion that he does when he get by another fish. Right now he is in a 8 foot long tank..... but my plans are to move him into a 6 footer along with my Emporer Angel. Giving them their own tank and hopefully restoring 'peace to the reef'!



Great fish! Very pretty! Definately add last and prepare for the worst IMO.



Sorry to side track......... Now back to Calvins tank! BTW it looks great!!!!!!

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Thanks Rick for taking the pics and everyone else for the compliments.


AAAAH! You cut the elephant skin!!! In the front none the less!!!! I hope it heals up quickly.




that was the best place to cut it cause it was growing in layers. i did try to turn it so the cut part was on the back side but the coral didn't want to sit flat and stable.


Very nice' date=' but you need more fish. :)[/quote']


I know, i'm working on that. It's tuff cause of the Clown Tang and the Sixline but now that the Sixline is out i'll be adding some more small fish.


Hows the clown tangs temperament? Was thinking of either a clown or a sohal in the new 12 footer but I have heard more than one horror stories of bad temper.


I agree with Mike, the fish really is a pain and it's attitude does bother the other fish even though the Clown Tang doesn't chase them. I really like the Clown Tang but it is annoying to have such a large tank with not very many large fish. Until about a month or two ago I had a Blue Tang but i decided to remove it cause the Clown Tang chased it so much. I added a large Crosshatch yesterday and the Clown Tang didn't mess with him so that's a good start but we'll see if it continues.

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