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Whats killing my fish?


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I've lost a couple fish lately. I assumed it was my Banded Coral shrimp since I'd seen it taking swipes at some fish. I've lost 2 Wrasses(at various intervals) I just lost 2 more fish in the last couple weeks. I got rid of the shrimp thinking I had the problem solved. Lo & behold, today I cannot find my Engineer Goby. I cannot even find the carcass of it. Now this no small Goby either,it was about 8" to 10" long. Attached is a pic to show how big it was. Any ideas of what can be doing this? I can't fathom what could eat the Goby that fast. When I did a water change today I looked from the top down inside & cannot see a carcass even.The only fish left are a female Clown & a small Blue Hippo Tang about 11/2" long. Mike


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Can you pick up your rock work without much trouble? Check for a giant black or grey bristle looking worm (the name is on the tip of my tongue) They will feed at night and especially when a wrasse lays flat or beds in the sand. Convict or engineer gobies are burrowers too and are down at the worms level. I pulled an 18 incher from my tank and haven't lost any livestock since. Do you have enough room on the sandbed to set a tube style trap at night?

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Don't Mantis Shrimp usually come in on rock? I have not added any rock for years. Here's my water parameters. PH-8.2 Amm.-0.25(usually 0) Nitrites-0 Nitrates-0 Calc.-500 Mag.-1250 SG-1.024 Phos.-0(test kit,I don't have a meter) Alk.-6.4 I dosed a little Alk/Dkh buffer after the water test to slowly raise the Alk.

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Must be the local area. I still havent figured out why most of my fish disappeared. Same problem as you. There one day, gone the next. I have ruled out mantis shrimp for the same reason - havent added rock in years. Havent found a long worm yet, but Im hoping to find the cause.

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Well it's not the local area cause I haven't had any problems at all.


OK then it must be a conspiracy. I have been watching ancient aliens lately - maybe they are snatching up our exotic fishes. Either that, or the LFS have gotten together to develop a strain of fish with a genetic mutation that cause them to go invisible after several weeks.

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Any luck finding the cause racefan? Your engineer goby was a cool looking fish by the way. So sad to hear he disappeared.(sad)


Is your protein skimmer going nuts after the fish disappear? That would be more of a sign that it died and was not eaten and you just didn't find the body. Had a flasher wrasse disappear but I am sure he just jumped out of the sump and just couldn't find his body as the skimmer didn't produce any more.


If you are not seeing more skimmer output then it does sound like your fish was eaten and it might be time to start breaking down the tank. I know that's a big POA but I have been amazed of the size of some of these worms that people have found hiding in the rocks and sand and never found them until they were upgrading their tanks.:eek:

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OK Sitting back regrouping & thinking this through. I forgot until reefboy mentioned it. I did get a Ric on a small piece of rock about a month ago.

The tank was broken down & moved downstairs in late January. I did not see any worms at that time. I do have a couple good sized Hermit Crabs that live in large Turbo Snail shell's.Could it be them?


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Trap that lobster!!! Clay lost a ton of fish to the "reef safe" lobster in his tank. We had a glass blower build a trap,but eventually caught it with the triangle shaped inverted net style and some food. Have to feed fish first,then wait till they bed down and aren't jumpy,put the trap in and got him by morning!

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