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Agree with Andy beats the hell out of discussing politics.


Speaking of beat, I think the whole rep point topic has been beaten to death.(bored)(bored)


My definition of "done" means you stop posting in the thread.;)


When I send positives, I will let everyone know they are from me and for the last time people I do not send negative ones unless the person specifically asked for one!(laugh)


If you get one from me I will tell you!:D


Okay I am done!:D:D:D

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Agree with Andy beats the hell out of discussing politics.


Speaking of beat, I think the whole rep point topic has been beaten to death.(bored)(bored)


My definition of "done" means you stop posting in the thread.;)


When I send positives, I will let everyone know they are from me and for the last time people I do not send negative ones unless the person specifically asked for one!(laugh)


If you get one from me I will tell you!:D


Okay I am done!:D:D:D


Well that was weak-nekid.gif

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Did it work? Hehehe

I think the rep system needs to change for a couple reasons. 1: if its the 3rd time around with no change, the mods are not listening,don't care or can't figure out between them what to do. Make a change, a small one, show the people that you care and are listening. 2: its leaning towards opening up showing who posts the good or the bad. I think it should. If you are going to say something, say it and own it! Don't hide behind your computer acting like you just did a drive by or t.p.'d someones house,we are all adults and can stand a little constructive crytisism or praise. If you can't,well then mabey one of the other 70 forums are better suited for your personality.


Ok,I'm done...well mabey not

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If you are going to say something, say it and own it! Don't hide behind your computer acting like you just did a drive by


That is exactely what needs to be done PERIOD-end of topic-


Until I open another thread-(laugh)


Thanks was good Jon-my thoughts and point


Thread Closed-I have the power-(flame)

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