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For whom ever gave me the disapproval and posted

"You need to respect the feedback system more"tongue1.gif


asking me to respect the system nekid.gif


I am sure it was in fun if not no big deal, but asking me to conform-nono.gif


I have once again turned pure evil whistle.gif-and all I will be giving is "disapprove" don’t take it personally-Blue_nods.gif


as I am not in disapproval of you-bigblue.gif ,but the flawed system-rocket.gif


If points are to be given-they should not be anonymous-bs.gif


My apologies in advance if you find them "purty" to have below your ID.-crying2.gif


Hey I was bored and found this fun-lol.gif-if it is troublesome for you please let me know, nothing bad will happen-titanic.gif

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Was that you that gave me the red box Reefy?(nono)


Noooo! Don't take away my pretty pink boxes!(scary)


They may be the false god according to Algae but I bow to them anyway(icon)(icon)


People how can something so fun be so bad? LOL(laugh)

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Rep Points are not anonymous. If you click on UserCp up on the top of the page then it will bring up your user profile. Scroll down and all of the rep points (good or bad ) are displayed at the bottom of the page.


Dave is right. It does say who sent it.

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Dave is right. It does say who sent it.


It may say that for board members, but for us "normal" folk, it does not say the person that sent it. Just the thread it was from, the date, and a comment (if they put it in).


It looks a lot like the screen shot that Andy put up in post #52 in this other thread




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Mabey THAT is the problem. Open up the screen to everyone. Let those who are concearned see who gave them good or bad and take away the security blanket that others hide behind. I haven't been on here much in the last 4 days because everytime I open up the forum I have to trip over a rep point thread. Now its even caught me! DANG! Oh well, good thing tat2d and I broke down a 75 system and moved it to a new reefers place today and have some good yen amongst the non reefing rep point whinning yang! Lol

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It may say that for board members, but for us "normal" folk, it does not say the person that sent it. Just the thread it was from, the date, and a comment (if they put it in).


It looks a lot like the screen shot that Andy put up in post #52 in this other thread





Hmmm..... Doesn't seem quite right does it. Board members can see who commented about them yet the rest can't? I have to say that is kind of misleading. (People might(do) give board members rep thinking it's annonymous when it isn't)

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I have to agree with Andy and Rick on that one. I didn't know the board members could see who posted. That doesn't seem right or fair. I'm all for making the points open to the person who gets them but the problem with that is if you get a negative point the other person may retaliate. LOL I have received a couple because people thought it was me giving neg rep. I did leave negative rep for Andy and Algae because they wanted it but left my name.


How about at least letting positive rep be known to the person?

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I have decided since alot of folks "like" the rep points not to give "disapprovals" to all.

But on a serious note, if someone can leave a "disapprove", it should show who sent it, and it should show who "approved".


I know the "buttock smooching" closet reefer that left me a neg had to be a mod or a board member-they would not have had any idea I was giving away "approvals" for the halibut.


Kiss my glutes-closet case spineless wimp-;)


And as someone stated the only person who can see the rep points are mods, board members and the user-which makes them worthless as a tool for people to see if that person knows shiite form shinola-


peace out brethren(laugh)



All in fun-;)

(thats my disclaimer for those who were their feelings on their shirt sleeve)



Post thread edit;

Just saw the neg rep Eric-I respect you for not hiding in the closet-actually made me laugh out loud-To funny-


I truly do not care its a game to me. Dude that was some funny stuff I wish everyone had a pair like Eric-Hats off to you bud!

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Just want to bump it up in case a few weenies want to jump on board-(clap)


Any tree hugging, global warming, Birkenstock wearing, espresso sipping, car hating, save the earth, socialists around-feel free to jump on board-nekid.gif


Drive by wimps-(laugh)

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Re: Rep points-HEHEHEHEHE


Its like that so they can ban those who give them bad rep....lol I dunno seems a bit deliberate and messed up at the sametime....sadly....it wouldn't shock me if that was the reason....


Junkie....you are the man....you crack me up


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Personally, I think that rep should be anonymous. However, I feel that if negative rep points are given, they must be accompanied by a comment and the receiver should be able to challenge the points with a moderator to remove any abusive points given. How does that sound? Of course, with a forum board this small, you get the feel for everyone after a while and know who is full of... baloney...



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Hmmm..... Doesn't seem quite right does it. Board members can see who commented about them yet the rest can't? I have to say that is kind of misleading. (People might(do) give board members rep thinking it's annonymous when it isn't)


I have to agree with Andy and Rick on that one. I didn't know the board members could see who posted. That doesn't seem right or fair. I'm all for making the points open to the person who gets them but the problem with that is if you get a negative point the other person may retaliate. LOL I have received a couple because people thought it was me giving neg rep. I did leave negative rep for Andy and Algae because they wanted it but left my name.


How about at least letting positive rep be known to the person?


Its like that so they can ban those who give them bad rep....lol I dunno seems a bit deliberate and messed up at the sametime....sadly....it wouldn't shock me if that was the reason....


Junkie....you are the man....you crack me up


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I didnt realize only board members, mods and officers can see them. I guess I was wrong about that :) I just assumed since I could everyone could.


There is nothing misleading about us seeing it, we are also mods. Do you guys really feel cheated about this whole rep thing? Or is it just the "flavor of the month" for conversation pieces. I can't believe the most active threads on these forums are about "REP POINTS". How ridiculous is that. Im really surprised to see that several people feel that the board and officers of this club are being deceitful. Once again I have brought this up several times that if you guys dont like how things are being ran then run for an officer or board position :)



PS-I can do a lot more as a mod than just see who gave ya bad rep guys :)

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I didnt realize only board members, mods and officers can see them. I guess I was wrong about that :) I just assumed since I could everyone could.


There is nothing misleading about us seeing it, we are also mods. Do you guys really feel cheated about this whole rep thing? Or is it just the "flavor of the month" for conversation pieces. I can't believe the most active threads on these forums are about "REP POINTS". How ridiculous is that. Im really surprised to see that several people feel that the board and officers of this club are being deceitful. Once again I have brought this up several times that if you guys dont like how things are being ran then run for an officer or board position :)



PS-I can do a lot more as a mod than just see who gave ya bad rep guys :)


I don't think the board is deliberately being deceitful or misleading. I just think people should know that the board members can see where comments are coming from unlike the rest of us.:D


I am not losing sleep over this issue at all. ;)I think rep points are fun! I like to pass along positive comments to people! Too much negativity in the world!

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Re: Rep points-HEHEHEHEHE


I for one was joking.....I don't think there would be any deliberate reason....but I will say that either all of us should be able to see who....or none of us....board included...to be honest I don't judge people from their rep I judge from my interactions with them....I know of members with bad reps places, including here, that are very experienced or knowledgeable. I would hope others judge the same way I do.


That's it I am done with this topic


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There is nothing misleading about us seeing it, we are also mods. Do you guys really feel cheated about this whole rep thing? Or is it just the "flavor of the month" for conversation pieces.........


I don't believe you or the others are intentionally being misleading. As another mentioned though we should know in advance that board members. etc. can see who is giving them rep points. The misleading part is that we expected that rep points were annonymous for everyone since they were for us. Now we find out this isn't the case at all.


I think it's just the flavor of the month. Or at least it started that way. At this point though I believe it's been quite well demonstrated that the way the rep system is set up makes it pretty meaningless.

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This is the third time I can recall that we've gone around and around about the rep system. I haven't seen anyone threaten to quit the club due to rep system shenanigans, which beats the hell out of arguing politics; at least the rep system is good for something ;)

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The wheels on the truck go round and round, round and round, round and round....the wheels on the truck go round and round.....


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


All through the town-LMAO


My point was missed in the thread-

Simple-I suggest rep points any type should show who they come from.

Rep points are a popularity contest at best-IMO

Rep points should not be able to be given as a mod


Rep points dont mean jack to anyone but the the person seeing them and they are not able to be seen by anyone except the user and "big brother" so whats the point.I know it seems I enjoy controversy-I actually enjoy sharing -opinions, Huh Kim?


I say leave them the way they are, I was just wanting to point a few flaws and "who cares" because they really dont mean anything-IMO.

So feel free to disapprove-nekid.gif

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That's it I am done with this topic


The wheels on the truck go round and round' date=' round and round, round and round....the wheels on the truck go round and round.....[/quote']


That was quick ;)

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