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Should Red Rep Points Be Eliminated?


Should Red Rep Points Be Eliminated?  

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    • Only positve reputation points to be showed.
    • Keep negative points.

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That's why there is feed back post's. If you have all the rep's comments ONLY. It is one opinion. What if your wrong? What if you where foolish and bought the nudies without closer inspection? Before you call someone a liar. Can you prove it? What is your backup to being cheated? You paid more than the other guy's deal. Too bad. Buyer beware. You ever going to leave this alone or what.


I don't think anybody is going to sit back and just get burned without posting. Do you?


I am not voting. I don't care.








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For something that nobody cares about' date=' this **** sure does get a lot of attention (laugh)[/quote']


LOL Andy! Isn't that the truth!(laugh) I love the rep points. I think they are fun! It bring me back to first grade when we would either get a "warm fuzzy" or a "cold *****ly".

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Or maybe have it where if you give a neg or pos a comment has to be added to state why you think a neg/pos should be given......Not necessarily WHO gave it .I don't think anyone really cares about the pos as much as they really want to know why they get a neg. So maybe neg comments have to be given so the person understands why they got it and can try to correct themselves and not do it again. ?

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I agree in theory. But the fact is that negative feedback is just that, negative. More importantly, the idea that a post is completely open to ANY interpetation. What is offensive to me may not be offensive to you at all. I may hate Chrysler Products so I give Newfisher a negative.

Some of the people I respect the most have a lot of red.

Even if you have to post why you are giving negative feedback does not make it correct.

You can give negative feedback for a person's shoe size and negative feedback for not delivering (stealing) on a $400.00 skimmer and they register the same.

If a member were forced to be accountable (give a reason for the negative) it would only lead to animosity, I believe.




Or maybe have it where if you give a neg or pos a comment has to be added to state why you think a neg/pos should be given......Not necessarily WHO gave it .I don't think anyone really cares about the pos as much as they really want to know why they get a neg. So maybe neg comments have to be given so the person understands why they got it and can try to correct themselves and not do it again. ?
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Re: Should Red Rep Points Be Eliminated?


Tried that philosophy before....it appears very few here are interested in knowing....to be safe you can always not buy from members with bad rep or any rep for that matter as even good rep points can be b/s from their friends.


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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Of course, we all find that useful. But rating a quad core processor and rating a person's opinion are very different.

Jules I don't want to be a judge of you. We likely have very different experiences in our life and it would not be fair for me to judge you based upon my criteria. It would be biased and no matter how much I tried to empathize with you and the fact remains that I have "never walked a mile in your shoes".

Ratings often appeal to a mediocrity. "ATTA BOY'S" can get you a lot of "green". But is it really relevant?


If you want to buy something and look it up online wouldn't you want to know why someone gave it a negative review? Or just want to know all the positive?
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I'm not offended my negative points, my point was to keep the negative just be forced to have to give a reason why and it be anonymous. What I am talking about wouldn't be neg because of an opinion, it would be factual for ex: I got an id wrong on rs and apologized later after the right ID was up there and I realized I was wrong. Now if I had of got a neg point and was given the reason :wrong id on hitchhiker, I would know not to do that again unless I was really sure of what I put on there, opinions are like a holes everyone has one and I usually agree to disagree in the end result without a big showdown. Opinions should be not allowed as a neg point. Does that make sense?

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If you want to buy something and look it up online wouldn't you want to know why someone gave it a negative review? Or just want to know all the positive?


It's not relevant. You can't see what the one negative feedback I've received even says. Nor can either one of us see who posted it. (Only the person that posted it knows who it was)


The feedback forum is a much better place to give negative and positive feedback for any kind of deals made here and it gets more use and people pay more attention to it. Since I have no idea what things people received negative rep points for I see them for what they are worth. (I.E. Nothing)


The one thing that is kind of annoying is that the reputation doesn't have any rhyme or reason to it. I've had one negative yet it would appear that I have at least a few of them. Or did they start allowing negative feedback without a comment now? If so negative feedback without a comment is really useless since the person receiving it has no way to know why they are getting a bad reputation to fix it.


If the idea is to promote a positive atmosphere here then eliminate the negative. People can still use the feedback forum to let others know about a bad deal and since details are seen by everyone it is more effective.

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I'm not offended my negative points' date=' my point was to keep the negative just be forced to have to give a reason why and it be anonymous. What I am talking about wouldn't be neg because of an opinion, it would be factual for ex: I got an id wrong on rs and apologized later after the right ID was up there and I realized I was wrong. Now if I had of got a neg point and was given the reason :wrong id on hitchhiker, I would know not to do that again unless I was really sure of what I put on there, opinions are like a holes everyone has one and I usually agree to disagree in the end result without a big showdown. Opinions should be not allowed as a neg point. Does that make sense?[/quote']

Unless something has changed then you do have to leave a comment (for negative). No one but the receiver sees it though and there is no reasonable way to eliminate subjectiveness from it.

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I somewhat agree with the anonymous aspect. Although it does give a certain amount of unaccountability and sneaky, childish behavior.

The separation of what is fact and what isn't, is a bit more troublesome.

Moderators have no time to determine fact from opinion and most of us are wired to run on opinion. It would be like cat herding. It would not eliminate "You are a jerk" comments (even if it is fact based).

Vendor/Member feedback is very effective!

Look are Premium (Garrett). See how many glowing praises are heaped upon him? There is a reason!

Maybe an opportunity for a public response/reply would be an improvement to the feedback?

The fact remains that if you base your judgment based upon negative rating you are working with very skewed results.


I'm not offended my negative points' date=' my point was to keep the negative just be forced to have to give a reason why and it be anonymous. What I am talking about wouldn't be neg because of an opinion, it would be factual for ex: I got an id wrong on rs and apologized later after the right ID was up there and I realized I was wrong. Now if I had of got a neg point and was given the reason :wrong id on hitchhiker, I would know not to do that again unless I was really sure of what I put on there, opinions are like a holes everyone has one and I usually agree to disagree in the end result without a big showdown. Opinions should be not allowed as a neg point. Does that make sense?[/quote']
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I have never given negative feedback either. It's not my style. I will either pm you if I am unhappy about something or post my thoughts about a thread. I don't think you have to leave comments now for negative by the way. Thanks by the way Algae for the red one! (clap) I think it was you....;)I think you dropped my rep points! LOL! I try to keep my positive ones up because it bothers Beth that I have more! (laugh)

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No, it wasn't me. LOL. I did not know that you wanted them! A new religion has begun!

I have never given negative feedback either. It's not my style. I will either pm you if I am unhappy about something or post my thoughts about a thread. I don't think you have to leave comments now for negative by the way. Thanks by the way Algae for the red one! (clap) I think it was you....;)I think you dropped my rep points! LOL! I try to keep my positive ones up because it bothers Beth that I have more! (laugh)
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I have only given neg reps once and that was to that drama mama that left last month, the one that belongs to 71 forums.


Nobody sees the rep points other than the total below the users ID-so nobody evens knows about anything neg. except the user and the one who gave it away.


I did not think it was meant to carry any significance-Personally I don't look at a persons rep, I look to see if they have a sense of what they are talking about and I always am looking at as many answers to my question as google shows me.


I dont think anyone here takes a single persons opinion as gospel-If they do, they better stop-(scary)


I think the one thing that would be a nice change is showing who gave +/- rep points, these secret drive bys should stop. I like to know who 'appreciated" my help

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I'd be for this. The way I understand it is that this has happened with other forums and that this was the solution.



Who cares, really?!?!


Just do away with them and save the thread space for 'fish/aquaruim' things!

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