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Where are we in the cycle?


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So, we started cycling our 24g tank about 14 days ago. We started by adding sand we got from Alex and a good squirt of ammonia w/ more sand we got from Woody at Seahorse. A couple days later, we added a bunch of live rock from Ciao's tank.


The tank got smelly. Smelled like we were living in a giant catbox. Even the 6 year old complained. And he's usually pretty oblivious to everything.


Then we had a big brown algae bloom. The brown algae was still around, while we saw some greenish stuff on the glass (but very little, comparatively). Then we had a few days with what looked like cyanobacteria. Those disappeared, and the brown algae is almost completely gone now too.


So, I tested the tank and it's showing ammonia = 0 (yay!), nitrite = 0 (yipee!), but ... nitrates are barely there too. With the Elos test, it was about 1 (maybe even less), and with the API test, it was around 5. Shouldn't it be higher than that at this point? I assumed we were cycling pretty well because of all the algae, but I don't know where the nitrates are now. I thought you could only really reduce them with water changes? (We haven't done any.)


Oh, and the rock came with a bunch of feather dusters, asterinas, and stomatellas, all of which survived the whole thing... in fact, the asterinas and stomatellas are in freakishly large numbers now...


Thanks for your help!


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Sounds like you might be real close to being 'fully cycled'.

But without being there and seeing the other tests I can't say for sure.

But I think you are really close.

Watch the 'numbers' for a couple more days and see if they change. If not you should be 'cycled'.

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If you have close to 0 nitrates' date=' count your blessings, some people spend their entire hobby life trying to get those that low and still don't quite manage it LOL.[/quote']


Most-likely because he has no livestock to add waste to the system. (just guessing) Do you have any fish in there yet?

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Awesome, thanks everyone.


Now I have at least another week to decide what kind of fish to put in here!!


Think well about that-coming from a person who was given poor advise as to whether the current fish I am trying to catch would have been a "good tank mate"


Keep in mind the types of livestock, corals (SPS, LPS, Softies), Fish only....

and so on.


Ever since this fish (neon dottyback because I know your are curious) experience I have came home before any fish purchase to research whether it'll work.


I will tell you this the last 3 fish I asked about the LFS said "sure no problem" well all 3 would have been poor choices-1 in particular a total train wreck for my tank.






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Yay! It sounds pretty good. I agree with the add some food and watch it for a day to see if you get any ammonia or nitrite. If not, then you can start adding stuff. You could even start with some of the zoas that you got from me last week. They would be good "guinea pig" corals for a new tank. :)


BTW, how did the potassium permanganate dip go with the montis?



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Your nitrates could be low because:


  1. You didn't add enough ammonia to generate a higher nitrate count
  2. Your live rock and sand is doing some denitrification (converting nitrates to nigtrogen gas, which just bubbles away)
  3. You algae and/or diatoms have tied up some of the nitrates in their growth

or, a combination of the above.


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OK, seems like we're ok because everything has been fine since the food experiment. Hooray!


The orange montis are doing GREAT after the dip. Good idea with the zoas. Our clownfish has really taken to that frogspawn you sent me home with, too! I hate to use the "c" word, but it's awfully cute...

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