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Questions about Koralia 1050? Good/Bad??


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that's awesome! I'm excited. I've needed one for quite some time. I haven't spent any money on the tank in a while, soooo.... All I have on it right now for flow is just the Aquaclear 110 HOB filter. I bet my corals, and fish, will be so happy next week!


My next question, when I get some pics up, is going to be where to put it, which way to point it for best results.

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So I'm thinking of getting another powerhead already. The first one is doing great but the other side of the tank still seems to lack some flow. I have the 1050 currently on the one side, would getting a 1400 be a good idea for my 75 gallon? Anyone with K4's would be able to help with this since those were 1200gph....

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I rec'd my koralia wed, got it in the tank last night. We have it in the back right corner, shooting along the back wall of the tank. VERY NICE! What a difference! We have only had the AquaClear 110 HOB filter for flow. I might have to rearrange a couple mushrooms, but other than that this is going to work great. Super quiet, and moves a lot of water. I'm so happy, don't know why I didn't get one a long time ago.


On a side note, I also used my test kit I bought from lnt.com. Haven't tested my water in a shamefully long time. All was nearly perfect, but my nitrates we not quite zero. We did stir up a bunch of stuff when we put the koralia in, so I will retest tonight and see if it's better. I am really proud of my tank that the ammonia, ph, nitrites, calcium and kh were all on point! Woo-hoo!!!!

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Got home from work yesterday and the 1050 in my QT tank had stopped. I tried everything and it just wouldn't start up. I had to take it out, messed around with it and still nothing. No precipitation build up, no algae, nothing i donno what went wrong. I dropped it into my laundry sink with some vinegar, got out my spare 1050 and got it going in the QT, then went back to the sink to mess with the non working pump. Put it all together, plugged it in and it fired right up, then tripped the GFCI. Very odd......

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Well i replaced the one that stopped with the other one i bought. Then i left for 5 days on vacation. Came back to find that one stopped as well. Lost some chalices, all the SPS, and a couple acans.


I'm not real high on these evolution pumps now.

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That sucks, sorry to hear that. I'm still thinking that since I want to have a wavemaker in the tank that I'm going to get a Vortech MP40W and sell these two pumps I just got. They seem to be working fine in my tank right now.


I have read that if you put them on a timer other than the Koralia's that it will burn them out. Not sure if that's how your setup is or not. Mine are always running.

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Well i replaced the one that stopped with the other one i bought. Then i left for 5 days on vacation. Came back to find that one stopped as well. Lost some chalices, all the SPS, and a couple acans.


I'm not real high on these evolution pumps now.


To be perfectly honest mine started doing the same thing, right before we left for Memorial day weekend. The dang thing just stopped. My answer, albeit temporary, is to use one of my plug in timers. This is a very small digital one that has a random setting. I plugged it into that and have it on random and it seems to click on and off okay. I would much prefer to have it on all the time though - that's why I bought it. I haven't had time to investigate it further, and have no clue why it's doing this. DOH!

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Wow, I guess I started you guys to getting problems...DOH!


There was a thread on another forum I found when I was researching these at first and they said they were having problems with them but that Hydor had fixed the problem. Either you guys got the older "non-fixed" models or they didn't fix the problem.


Mine still seem to be fine, I feel bad that you two are having issues.


When I get my Vortech I know of two Koralias that will be for sale...(laugh)

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It is a little disappointing to hear of Koralia Evo failures. I am running 3 X 1050's in my 72

gallon along with 2 X Koralia 3's and a Seio. I have the early release model as far as I know. I don't run them on a timer (I don't believe that Impur was either, though). Mine have had no problems yet, but after hearing these stories I am a bit wary.

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I have the same general problem with my rio return pump, it runs great, til i turn it off for feeding time, then I have to take it apart to get it to run again, major pain in the @ss.


Definitely gotta get a new pump one day LOL


If you haven't tried giving the pump a good cleaning, with a daylong soak in vinegar, that might help.


Bummed to hear about these failures, too. I haven't had any problems with my 1400 so far.

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I just sent them an email as well.


I'm not using it on a timer or anything. Took the new one from the box, ran it under water and scrubbed it with a brush, plopped er into the tank and plugged into a surge suppressor. It quite on day 4. Mine are the newer models too, i made sure to check that first.


My K4s never had this problem, even when they are covered in algae and stuff they still go.


Luckily i don't need to rely on these for the long term.


Emphatic thumbs down at this point for these pumps.

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