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Need some advice ASAP lol


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Ok, so as most of you know, I'm having a big problem with my new tank, I was a dumb sheet an skipped a step in putting everything together. Well, I've got a possible solution, and I would love some opinions on it.


I've got a 40b by visio, with euro-brace, as you can see here:






My question is, would it be ok if I removed the back euro-brace, temporarily, so I can put a 90 in that box? Getting the box off has so far been largely unsuccessful, aside from slicing my finger open with a piece of guitar string. I can fit a 90 in the space left if I remove that strip of bracing. It can be put back easily, its not a solid piece, so I won't be cutting anything, only removing the existing silicone and then siliconing it back into place as soon as I get the 90 glued into place. I can actually do this today and fix the problem permanently if its feasible.


So, give me some opinions folks.



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if that black piece is removable already I would just cut away the clear acrylic over the box permanently and leave the rest of the tank in tact. Only cut as much as you have to so you still have at least a seam for the euro brace to still be somewhat effective. You need to be able to have access into the overflow anyway, just a good idea in case something happens later and you need back in.

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You know Brandon, sometimes you have some good ideas, I just realized I could remove that black piece thats covering the top of the box. DUHHHHH now to figure out a way to cut that acrylic without getting nasty gunk in the tank.


Any suggestions?

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You have rockin zoas, if you want, once you become a paid member of the club, we can get you in on the next Zoa Grow-out we do, where we pool our money and purchase some really really rare zoas, grow em out, and then divide em amongst those who paid in. Unfortunately, it is limited to paid club members only, but, its just one of the many benefits of being a paid member lol.

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Shall do. I usually get some pretty good hook up's as I have had a LOT of interaction with Vivid in the last 5 years that I have been a customer. Dude, I can't even go down to CA without visiting them, Mystic, and Global....just to list a few.


For those of you who aren't aware of Mystic....let me just say you are probably missing out as they have a very nice SPS selection, but of course I am in it for the zoa's. But no body, and I mean NOBODY touches Global for selection. Their store is about the size of a football field....no BS. I will snap some pic's on my next trip.

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See now you did it....I started looking at the list again and now I want to go home and do some shopping again.DOH! Thanks alot(enforcer)....I am going to be sleeping on the couch for a month nowDOH! and my back just stopped hurting too.

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