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Getting out of the Hobby


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Due to some changes in my life I have decided to get out of the hobby. The last ten years have been fun but it is time to refocus my energy and my life.


I would like to extend my appreciation to those who I have met here and helped me along the way. I have made some good friends, both in Oregon, and across the globe.


I will miss you all.


All of my systems are for sale, including the new 125g I've been slowly piecing together for the last few months. I would like to see them go to good homes. I would be happy to trade the what I have to help me start on my new hobby. Any large cages, bannanna trees, cloth diapers, or anything else related to monkey training/breeding.


Thanks again.

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All of my systems are for sale, including the new 125g I've been slowly piecing together for the last few months. I would like to see them go to good homes. I would be happy to trade the what I have to help me start on my new hobby. Any large cages, bannanna trees, cloth diapers, or anything else related to monkey training/breeding.


Thanks again.


Hey Kevin I got lots of stuff left over from when I went through my monkey breeding phase. It was a weird stretch through my life but very rewarding in the long run. Let me know I also have a good supplier of bananas that I can hook u up with too (laugh)

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How about some sea monkeys? that could be a good migration hobby before you actually get a real monkey(naughty)





Sea monkeys do not live in an undersea castle and wear lipstick. It's okay, people! This inspirational list of amazing sea monkey facts will help you love the brine shrimp that sea monkeys really are. Let's deal with the pain together and build a better world!


Okay, here we go...

1. Sea monkeys breathe through their legs


Freaks! That's weirder than being orange and smiley!

2. Sea monkeys are psychic


Sea monkeys are born with one eye (weird cyclops freaks) but grow two more, so by the time they're adults they have two normal eyes and a third eye. Woooooooooow.


3. Sea monkeys are stripy


Yes, even though they look tiny and boring, sea monkeys are stripey but only when you feed them. When their tiny bellies are full they get a green or brown stripe growing down their backs. Tres cool.

4. Sea monkeys are lovers, not fighters


Sea monkeys reproduce sexually and asexually. Sea monkey sex sessions can last days at a time. Hot, hot sea monkeys.

5. Sea monkeys have discovered the secret of immortality


Sea monkey egss can survive for years without water. Drop their teeny ancient egg in a thimble of water - and voila! A healthy, frisky sea monkey!

6. You CAN teach an old sea monkey new tricks


Sea monkeys are sensitive to light. It's been proved you can teach them tricks with a torch or flashlight. God, we would love to see tiny sea monkeys perform tricks in a pretty little sea monkey circus!

8. Sea monkeys are the muses of rock gods


Liz Phair croons over Sea-Monkeys in her song "Gunshy," as do the Pixies in their tune "Palace of the Brine."

9. Sea monkeys are flammable


Don't put them under a magnifying glass on a hot day. That's just mean. Also, don't ask us how we know they're flammable.

10. Sea monkeys are liars. They lie


Sea monkeys are actually a cute little brine shrimp called Artemia nyos. They're really easy to take care of and will provide you with hours of amusement and education, especially if you love torturing brine shrimp.

11. Sea monkeys hang out in gangs


A group of sea monkeys is called a squall. Teenage sea monkeys can be spotted hanging out on the streets looking menacing if a little tiny.

12. Sea monkeys have yet to learn about feminism


Male sea monkeys have pincers under their chins and use them to fight and grab things, just like stupid guys! Girl sea monkeys carry a brown egg sac on their stomachs, and male sea monkeys always ask them if they have any idea how much that egg cost and do they realise that impulse shopping is just a way of sticking a band-aid over your inner pain.

13. Sea monkeys have their own national day!


Find out how to celebrate national sea monkey day. It's on May 16th in America but in cyberspace? Bable, sea monkey national day is whenever you want it to be...(laugh)



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I have a Calfo coral poster I was going to put next to my aquarium. I have changed my mind. I want a Sea Monkey poster! This is the coolest ad I have ever seen! I love that their "private parts" are discreetly covered. QUOTE=snowpunk;170066]








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