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Canister on a reef tank? Sump swap in 7hrs!


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Ok, I know my 49g corner mixed reef needed some love,but who has time to work on your own stuff when you are juggling 4 tanks? I have had a canister filter and 2 korlias running it with some success for 9 months,but have hit a plateau( or just too lazy to clean out the canister). I've been collecting plumbing,uv's,skim boxes, pumps etc for months and decided to listen to some good friends and at 2pm today broke down the tank,drilled it,installed custom sump with all the goodies,tuned it and re-installed all living creatures. We chemicaly dipped all of the rock (small red slime,nudibranc and brittle star problem) and lost no fish,corals or inverts in the process! Thank you..Thank you...Thank you Kemist,Clay and Ruthie!!!!!!! By 7pm we were watching the cloud clear up and at 9pm eating Chineese Buffet. Got home at 10 and all are happy and rockin! Thanks again guys.

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