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PNWMAS president and BOD positions


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I wanted to let everyone know that there is a nomination process going for the position of president, and 2 position on the board of directors. In order to be eligible for these nominations you must be a paid member in good standing. If you are currently not a member, but are interested in having more of a voice in the direction this club takes, please consider purchasing a membership and expressing your interest in a position with the board/president, or simply be sure to cast your vote in the special election. Only paid members have voting rights in this and any elections.


We are looking forward to having new voices on the board. The nomination period ends Tuesday March 9th at midnight.

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No excuses now everyone. All the people that wanted their voice heard in the past now have there chance. Become a member and part of the BOD or an officer.


To answer your question Mike John Manrow stepped down. There are also a couple of BOD spots open too.

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Just a reminder that nominations close in 2 hours and 15 minutes. All nominees must publicly accept their nomination in the respective threads in the members only forum.


If you are not a member and would like to be involved, you must pay your membership before being nominated or voting. If you choose to do this, please PM me immediately so that I can get it all sorted out before the nominations end. Thank you!

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If I thought my voice would make a difference and be on the BOD I would join.


Funny this was brought up just today.








I'm sorry that you feel this way, part of the role of the BODs is to be a deciding body for the club. This is an opportunity to influence how the club is run.


This was not just brought up today. I made this post previously and was just making a reminder for the folks that may have forgotten.

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If I thought my voice would make a difference and be on the BOD I would join.


Funny this was brought up just today.










There have been several threads on this Blaine. Most were in the members forum over the last couple weeks. If it was a concern to you why havent you posted anything about it. The elections have started every spring since we have had them. You've been around long enough to know Blaine.

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There have been several threads on this Blaine. Most were in the members forum over the last couple weeks. If it was a concern to you why havent you posted anything about it. The elections have started every spring since we have had them. You've been around long enough to know Blaine.


And you missed my point or decided to over look it. I said I would join if I thought it would make a difference to be on the BOD, but nothing was said about that. Not even a "you should join and be heard", at all.

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And you missed my point or decided to over look it. I said I would join if I thought it would make a difference to be on the BOD' date=' but nothing was said about that. Not even a "you should join and be heard", at all.[/quote']


I didnt miss it nor overlook your point Blaine. Its your decision to join and run for a BOD position. This discussion has been had with you countless times. Ive never heard anyone discourage you no to join and become part of the BOD. I could care less either way honestly. If ya join thats great and if not no bigee. It just gets old that the same people whine about having no say so yet they never doing anything about it.

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And you missed my point or decided to over look it. I said I would join if I thought it would make a difference to be on the BOD' date=' but nothing was said about that. Not even a "you should join and be heard", at all.[/quote']


You are waiting for someone to tell you to join?


Shouldn't you make that decision for yourself?

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .


What ideas Blaine? Post them.


If I get elected to the BOD I will make it my personal goal to address all of them in the first month of office and have a resolution for each in the same time frame. So if ya want something done ya gotta put it out there. Im not gonna go searching through every thought and idea posted in each thread on this site to find them. Thanks

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