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Like a Trojan horse we came!


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Today started out like any other day, a list of honey doo's, a run to the dump and try to figure out what I forgot to pick up for V day. Made the dump run and grabbed a card for my wife at Target before Claythesavagefraser and kemist showed up at 9am to make a "quick" run to Portland to meet Snowpunk for g.o.c. pieces. None of us had ever been to Davy Jones Locker,so we gps'ed it and headed that way first. At the door 11am and sign said 12..grr. Another customer shook the door and told us about C.B. Tropical,off we went. Great little store,freindly and left with some cool stuff! Back to DJL, Dave was out doing maintenence and Tony was doing a good job jugggling 6 customers! Grabbed some frags,tangs and a large hammer colonie. Off to Westside in Hillsburrito to meet snowpunk. Wow! Nice selection, nice prize pieces and yes, more stuff to take home. Stopped by tankit's to grab a maxima clam and then down to Premium Aquarium and leave the rest of our cash with Garrett. Sump and misc pieces in the trunk. Inverter working double time in the back seat with just enough room for me to shut the door. What started out as a frag grab tuirned into a multi-store stop and a boost for the PDX eonomy. Thanks to all the stores for the great product and deals!!

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Yes!! We had so much fun!! Dave at Davy Jones Locker did the unexpected and donated to "Clays reef rebuild" He hooked me up with some amazing acros!! I am lovin it! We spent so much time there. Tony was doing the best he could to handle all the questions I threw at him! He had to call Dave after everyone!! It was hilarious! I hope he can clear it out a little for a little more room! He has some great corals and is a very generous guy!! Thank you Dave!! Westside Aquariums, made me rethink all my tank!! I have my rock way to close to the top and the halides are so close to the water! So I need to move my rock down and try to get them nice and pretty!! HOLYCOW!! The corals and fishies were awesome!! I need a calcium reactor for sure!! I wanted to buy everything in there, it was so pretty!! Thank you all for the great deals and the donations!



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