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Mods are technically board members and officers. So that would be me, Jay(Cheif), Stacey(spayne), Michael(Micheal7979), Lowman(Bob), John(Jmanrow), Rich(H20cooled), Roy(Rmhuntley), Roger(Mr.S), and Dave(Barleycuda). I really dont moderate too much anymore though cause the last time I did it caused to many problems. I'll delete a spam account every once and a while but thats about it. Ill stick to being Treasurer. We have 9 others to sift through the stuff. I have seen some threads get a little "off-base" but I really havent noticed any personal attacks though. But you are welcome to pm me about anything that you think has broke the rules of the PNWMAS.ORG board. Ill talk to you later Ryan. Later Ryan

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We have a nice club with a lot of really nice and helpful people involved with it. We also have nice little website, where we can comfortably post without worrying about some nazi mod sending us a nasty e-mail. I like it like that. Remember... Don't rock the boat to hard, you might fall overboard. :P

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We have a nice club with a lot of really nice and helpful people involved with it. We also have nice little website' date=' where we can comfortably post without worrying about some nazi mod sending us a nasty e-mail. I like it like that. Remember... Don't rock the boat to hard, you might fall overboard. :P[/quote']


I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't want everyone to feel like we are watching over every post with a magnifying glass. Also there is one very good point to all arguments... It takes at least 2 people to have an argument. Right or wrong, it will not do the website any good. The longer the argument lasts the worse it gets. It is like a stone that gathers moss. If both ( or more ) parties believe that they are right, you will not get them to change their mind, no matter how hard you try. Accept it for what it is and move on. If you are arguing with another party, ask your self this... Did the other party sway my decision? Probably not, and your attempts will probably fall on deaf ears also. I try to treat everyone like they are a guest in my home.



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Ya, I always hated over moderation, but then again all should act like adults and refrain from personal attacks. I dont really see that but then again, I dont usually take things on a message board that darn seriously. Most the time it spirals downhill when things start to get on a personal level.

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as long as off topic crap stays in off topic forum then politics and sports and such is cool. I too have seen a few spam accounts trying to advertise for other websites but they dont last too long. I have only maybe twice read a thread and thought maybe it was turning into a poo slinging contest and should be closed. Overall I'd say there is very little flaming and/or arguing that goes on here as compared to other sites. i have been very impressed with the maturity level and helpfulness of most everyone on this forum. I dont even go to TRT or reefcentral anymore unless its to cruise the classifieds

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