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Caulerpa in display tank


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nasty stuff imo. Hard to get rid of once established, tends to go sexual in tanks then crashes and releases all the nutrients it has been absorbing back into the tank. If you are looking for decorative algae go for halimeda, or sea grasses. If you want it for filtration cheato is very popular, but not one i would put in the display, since it grows fast and would take over

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I have had both caulerpa and chaeto in my display. By some stroke of luck I managed to erradicate the caulerpa, though it was pretty darn persistant and grew all through the rock work. I had to remove every rock and pick off every last piece several times before it was finally gone. The Chaeto wasn't too bad but it was a pain because it kept getting caught on stuff and collected detritus and generally looked horrible. A nice macro for the display would be botryocladia, or "red grape" algae. It is very attractive, slow growing, and non invasive. Halimeda is nice too.

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Yes, I currently keep caulerpa in my display, 3 varieties. I also keep a psuedo variety of red grape, although it is not really a caulerpra.


There are ways to keep all of it from going sexual at once, the easiest is to clip the runners every couple of inches. If a segment goes sexual, you will just loose a segment.


I also keep halmedia, sargasum, red kelp, halymenai, codium, and ochotodes, all of which are macro algaes.


Pics worth a 1000 words right?


What the tank looks like now



A few months back before all the growth (june)



Oct of 08 Just to show it's been around a bit.



There are many keepers that go towards the planted marine tanks, just not to many.


If you have any questions on macro, I can probably help you, or point you at someone who can.



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nasty stuff imo. Hard to get rid of once established' date=' tends to go sexual in tanks then crashes and releases all the nutrients it has been absorbing back into the tank. If you are looking for decorative algae go for halimeda, or sea grasses. If you want it for filtration cheato is very popular, but not one i would put in the display, since it grows fast and would take over[/quote']


I have heard this many times. I've seen people with fear of caulerpa. But I've never seen these problems first hand. I've kept caulerpa in my display for over a year with little to no problems. Recently my fish have eaten it all so I can't keep it in the display for long anymore. (sad)

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Dont do it!!!! I just spent the last 3-hours picking it from some of the rocks in my DT. I got a small piece on a frag about a year ago, and now I spend hours and hours every week and every water change trying to eliminate it. It is extremely difficult to get rid of. The roots will get into all the rock crevices and take hold. Its got me so ticked off, Im just about ready to start over from scratch.

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Try covering the area where it is growing with something to block the light. Trash bags can work well.


You could also sump those rocks if there is no light on your sump.


If your keeping a reef tank it might not be a good idea to include it in your display, if you want to go a planted route, it's a good means of nutrient control IME.



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Dont do it!!!! I just spent the last 3-hours picking it from some of the rocks in my DT. I got a small piece on a frag about a year ago' date=' and now I spend hours and hours every week and every water change trying to eliminate it. It is extremely difficult to get rid of. The roots will get into all the rock crevices and take hold. Its got me so ticked off, Im just about ready to start over from scratch.[/quote']


Maybe I have not ever had this type of caulerpa. My caulerpa is easy to remove completely. If I miss a little it takes a few weeks before it is even a little noticeable and it can be completely removed with another try.

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Grape caulerpa is a real bugger to get rid of, took me months to finally be done with it.


Beautiful planted tank, Pledo. I'm wicked jealous, I've been thinking about going that way for a long time and if I do I want mine to look just like yours. You should do a thread on it.

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Beautiful planted tank' date=' Pledo. I'm wicked jealous, I've been thinking about going that way for a long time and if I do I want mine to look just like yours. You should do a thread on it.[/quote']


Thanks Andy, that means a lot coming from you. If you ever need some clippings to start off I usually just toss mine, so your welcome to a generous starter pack if you ever go that way.


I should start a thread on here, the tank has been running well over a eyar now. I think I'll call it a succsess.

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I have the most terrible time with grape caulerpa. Once it gets on a rock it takes over. Even my star polyps hate it. Im finally getting it under control. Even my crabs woulnd eat the stuff. I think id rather have hair algae in my tank than that stuff. though some other algaes do well in my tank. ive had sea lettuce and im not sure what the red algae i have is called but t looks like lettuce but bright red, and every once in a while my crabs eat it and keep it in check, and it keeps my crabs from eating my corals.... just I wouldnt recommend any algae that has vines.. STAY AWAY

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If you ever need some clippings to start off I usually just toss mine, so your welcome to a generous starter pack if you ever go that way.


Thanks, I appreciate that. That new Marineland 70gal semi-cube is very sexxy... if I bought one of those, I could make my 55 into a planted marine tank. Hmmmm (plotting)

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not sure what the red algae i have is called but t looks like lettuce but bright red' date=' and every once in a while my crabs eat it and keep it in check, [/quote']


Sounds like halymenia floridana hard to just say without really seeing it though. If you every have some extra LMK ;)


I had some of the stuff he has in the bottom left of his tank. The tangs loved it! Can't remember what it is called tho and I'm still unpacking my books.


Taxifloria, it is one of the most invasive species int he world. It is outlawed in most states (not Oregon) and many countries. The one on the right corner is prolifera, which is also illegal many places.


It was thought that hobbyists released this algae into the ocean and it's widespread growth caused major havok with the ecosystem and also with commercial applications like shipping. Cost a few billion dollars around the world so far. They now think that it's spread could have been natural, we'll never really know.


Thanks, I appreciate that. That new Marineland 70gal semi-cube is very sexxy...


It would definetly make the women swoon.

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WOW very nice tank Pledosophy.


IME I add caulerpa cuttings from my refugium to the display tank for my tangs and they have no problem eating everything i add. So i can't grow caulerpa in my DT. I doubt you'll be able to find a balance of fish that will eat just enough caulerpa to keep it under control, either the fish will eat too much or not enough and you'll have to cut algae out.

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Pledo' date=' you're getting me inspired. Now I'm contemplating converting my 29g frag tank into a planted one. Pretty sweet! I think I got some of your ochotodes from Joel, and it is just too pretty to be banished to my sump![/quote']


I did trade some with Joel awhile back. It is a fun algae. If you go that route let me know, and we'll work out a trade.

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