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Lineage, LE, Tyree????


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Can somebody explain to me the whole thing with the lineage of a coral as well the Limited Edition aspects of a coral? Is Tyree a type of coral or is it just description of the lineage??? It seems to me that there isn't anyway for somebody to prove the lineage of something unless you have papers like the dog kennels have for pure breeds and the whole LE seems more crazy.(laugh)


It's hard to believe that nobody else in the world could find that coral again when it originally came from the sea.



It just seems like a huge marketing gimmick to me from my point of view

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I've noticed that there are lots of different levels of quality in, lets say, a superman montipora. Some are just more superman than others. :)


Like here at Atlantis it's marketed as the Original Most Wanted Superman. I don't want to say that the others are impostors (and I'm not endorsing Atlantis here over any other) but some "lineages" are more pedigree than others IMO.

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it's a little bit of all of that combined really. There are a number of company's that put a name in front of a coral to let you know that it came from there. TEC, ORA, Tyree, ATL, OIB, ect. These all tend to be corals that are harder to find/acquire, and are thought to be the best looking color wise compared to others that may be less quality when it comes to color. To me, saying you can trace the lineage is really all about knowing that the piece you have is going to be able to have the same color as the piece that (tyree) has/had. You can get tons of color combos all day long but, some for instance, the Tyree Bubblegum monster is a hard one to find



and thus it is a higher price to get such a specimen.


I'm willing to bet you haven't seen one that looks like this in any shop recently.

LE Desert Sunset



the shops that get it know that it is rare and market it and price it accordingly. I'm sure wholesalers know this stuff too by now and aren't helping it either but I really don't know for sure.


I think another part of the LE is about how well it ships(success rate) and how fast it grows. You can't get a frag of a chalice at the same speed that you can get xenia. Thus, if it is less available to begin with, then it takes 12 months to grow a 1/2", that is going to help edge it into an LE category. Sometimes you can only find certain corals in one specific location and if they can't pull very much coral, or any at all out of that area, then that makes the ones that are already in peoples tanks pretty rare too. Their are tons of little things to factor in. I'm sure others have a different view on this or a little better input but that's kinda what I think about it.

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And if I could only photoshop corals like those guys I could call the Frenzel LE corals. . .


Who wants this one?



Thisone I'll let go for only a grand!



A Frenzel LE Saturns Ring Dust Ricordia is a steal at $750



My point is many of those images, inclunding the ones above have been altered in or out of camera for contrast and color saturation. If you like a coral and you want it you will pay for it depending on how much you want it.


I have a Tyree Long polyp green leather that used to go for $125 for a piece the size of your pinky nail, now that same piece is about $25 and I have quite a few small ones no one wants to buy, so what is it really worth.


If you like it get it, if your caught up on the name, I really do have some nice Frenzel LE corals for sale, they have lost a bit of color but I'm sure they'll do better in your tank, or if I ship them then maybe something is wrong with your system because they looked just like that in my tanks. Either way you could be the first person in Oregon to purchase a Frenzel Le.



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My complaint about the naming convention is that so many people have taken liberties with the names that they no longer actually mean anything. Someone mentioned Superman Monti - which is the perfect example. The Superman monti is just a blue-based monti with red polyps. It's an unusual, but obviously not rare color combination.


However, there is only one "Superman monti" that is version that originally came from Tubs/Bruddah. But people have simply decided that any blue/red monti danae is a superman monti. So you get blue-ish / red-ish montis that are sold as "Superman Monti" and you have no idea what you're getting. I think it's funny when I see someone list a Tyree Superman for sale - you know that person is just slapping the Tyree logo on something.


I recently spoke to a LFS that had XYZ coral - a still hard to get LE coral. I asked where he got it and he said he had gotten it in a wild trans-ship. Than it isn't an "XYZ". You may think it looks similar, but it isn't "XYZ".


The theory behind naming corals is that you know what you're getting, and what the coral has the potential to look like (obviously, that can still vary wildly). The problem (IMO) is that so many people take liberties with the names, that it no longer means that - now it just means that people are trying to sell corals for more money.


(steps of soapbox)

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Apparently my sarcasim wasn't think enough, or my post wasn't clear enough, the pictures I posted above where greatly altered to help prove a point.


It was fun in the begininng to know what you were getting like Jason stated, but I agree anymore the name doesn't mean anything.


IF I know it is a real Tyree I do expect something above ordinary, but IMO people use his name to often to describe look a likes. There are look alikes for many of his corals being sold at high dollars but when held next to the real thing don't quite compare.


For example I purchased a fake tyree green leather, whose polyps came out about 1/2". Later I purchased a real Tyree leather from Jason coincidently whose polyps extract over 2" and that grows crazy fast. There is definetly a difference IMO.


JMO Sorry I confused people with the fake coral pictures, jsut goes to show how easy that is to do.


Here are some pics a little closer to what those really look like. For the record Frenzel is my last name. ;)




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Ciao brings up a good point about having things "papered." Having some kind of hard to counterfeit pedigree papers is probably the only way you're going to be able to have much confidence about the lineage of any coral (unless you buy directly from the farmer).


I never buy something because it's LE - just because I like the look of it.

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