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fixing a leaky tank

Mr S

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I drilled and plumbed a 40g breeder and then when I filled it the leaks began. Anyone had any experience or tips on how to fix the leak. It is coming out of the bottom. Hard to see where exactly so I figured I would trim out excess silicon from around the bottom and then reseal it with 100% silicon. Anyone have any pointers for me? I hope it is worth the effort. It would be bad news if it eventually started leaking again since it is at school.

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I did this last year on a 48g corner tank. I used a blade to get all the old stuff off then cleaned every spot that their was a seem. I'm sure you know this but you need to use aquarium silicone only. I cut the applicator tip short and at an angle so it comes out with a small steady stream as I squeeze it. I learned from a previous experience that it helps to put the silicone bottle in a plastic bag in case it pops open on a corner. Put a fan blowing in the tank too unless you want to be high by the end. I picked up a little caulk spreader for about a buck that helps after you have laid the bead. It's just a piece of perfectly angled plastic with a little groove to make the perfect seem. If you will be using sand or it doesn't matter too much go heavy on the bottom and just spread it lightly with your finger down there. Use the spreader to make the parts you see look nice and overdo the rest. Give it at least 24 hours to dry in the house or 48 in the garage before you water test it. Any other questions? I may have overlooked something... Good luck(it's pretty easy):p

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tank is drilled. Thanks for the help. It has to be aquarium seal? It can't just be 100% silicon. Does this stuff have bad things in it if not the aquarium stuff?


I've been told it does. I am no scientist or chemist so I can't say for sure but better safe then sorry right?;) I recall something about an anti fungus ingredient that is used in some of them. Maybe not in the 100% silicone though.


I got curious and did some searching and found this: excerpts from theReeftank


What is the difference between the two? I am building a new sump for my tank and the aquarium silicone adds up quike! The DAP 100% silicone says it is safe for food contact.


I believe the real difference is the acid it generates while curing. Aquarium silicone uses acetic acid for curing, some of the other types use a different curing method, I believe.


So any silicone which states it has an acetic acid by-product should be safe.

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Isolate the leak before you start cutting. food dye can help.


IS the tank drilled/plumbed externally?


I agree, make sure its not the plumbing leaking before ya go through all the trouble. Is the tank drilled on the bottom? while filling the tank did ya splash water on the outside of the tank and fill up the black trim so it looks like it leaked? are all the bulkheads tight and leak free? Is the tank new?

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