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red turf algae..ugh!


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Turbos don't get rid of it, they just keep it mowed down close to the rocks. I am seeing it go away since i started dosing vodka and MB7. Especially off the rocks, one piece of branching rock that was completely covered now only has the turf algae on the under side of the rock. About a 75% reduction on that particular rock.

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mexican turbos will do a phenomenal job. depending on the size of the tank, get several. typically one or two wont be able to tackle it. they do a far better job than any fish or urchin ive tried. they have consumed all the algae in any of the tanks ive used them in. but, youll have to get a handful. trade them back in to a store or donate them to someone else with the problem once all the algae is consumed, and it wont take long.

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I thought Mexican Turbo's were temperate? Shimek had an article on them saying they are collected from deeper waters and they do not survive long in home aquariums. Personally I have never got them to live long. They like to climb out of the water in my system, but I have had them spawn.



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I thought Mexican Turbo's were temperate? Shimek had an article on them saying they are collected from deeper waters and they do not survive long in home aquariums. Personally I have never got them to live long. They like to climb out of the water in my system, but I have had them spawn.




From my experience, Mexican turbos do really really well in our aquariums. They might come from a bit cooler water, but I don't think they are temperate for the most part. I have had them live for literally 3-4 years and then had to get rid of them do to a tank tear down. There are other turbos that I have had that don't seem to live quite as long but Mexicans definately have for me.

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well i think my mexican turbo and urchin are eating some of the red turf. i will see in the next few days if they actually are but from where i put them, it looks like there's a clearing of the algae. but i will post and update in a few days if they have really eaten alot of it..but i hope they do this stuff is a major pain in the a$$

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From my experience' date=' Mexican turbos do really really well in our aquariums. They might come from a bit cooler water, but I don't think they are temperate for the most part. I have had them live for literally 3-4 years and then had to get rid of them do to a tank tear down. There are other turbos that I have had that don't seem to live quite as long but Mexicans definately have for me.[/quote']


It might be a regional name thing. (i.e. like fire/blood shrimp) I wonder if we are talking about the same species, Tegula funebralis. In Southern California they are sold as Mexican Turbo's, Margarita, or Margarite snails.

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It might be a regional name thing. (i.e. like fire/blood shrimp) I wonder if we are talking about the same species' date=' Tegula funebralis. In Southern California they are sold as Mexican Turbo's, Margarita, or Margarite snails.[/quote']


I think this has alot to do with it. I have had 3 or 4 different varieties of Mexican turbos. They all come from different areas and each are probably used to different local temps. Very good info and an important thing for us hobbiests to think about when we are shopping or looking for critters.

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